Science fiction. The nowhere!


Science fiction. The nowhere!

Life has witnessed its own end, because the universe is disintegrating and the planets are being tossed everywhere. It is a state of absolute chaos wherever you see in the universe. There are no orbits, no trajectories, only one dominant force exists right now. Complete mayhem, and every celestial body is moving wherever it gets drifted. And that is the strangest part: If a planet begins to drift in one direction it keeps advancing somewhere, which leads to nowhere. Because there is gravity, but it is exerting its pull from everywhere, and when it acts on a celestial body, the celestial body moves left then gets pulled towards right, sometimes up and many times down. And thus begins the game of football where the rule is: Keep dribbling the football as long as you can. Because in this football game there are no goals to score, so there are no goal posts. The football i.e. any celestial body has to be kept in constant motion. And for that to happen it has to get kicked in all directions,

However, this is the football match in the arena of Universe, and there are many footballs that are getting kicked around. Trillions of them. And in most of the cases these footballs, the celestial bodies in this case hit each other and cause massive explosions.

And it is here, a race of people called MothFields lives, and for them this is home. And trust me they do not have any hero like Christopher Chaos. They depend on super advanced computers that help them survive this barrage of volleys being targeted at them in the form of planets, stars, meteors and everything else that the Universe has at its disposal. It aims these volleys at MothFields by using gravity as its launcher- It is not the case always, only when the MothFields are inside a verse where such chaos exists.

But how has MothFields civilisation survived when every other civilisation has been completely destroyed? If you are thinking who am I? It is a brilliant question. Because I mentioned, “except for MothFields , no other civilisation exists in the Universe today.” So, where do I come from?

Let me address your doubts about my existence first. Then as you read the story further, you will know how MothFields survive anywhere in the Universe. Even inside the Blackholes.

Surprised. I too was!

I live in a verse which has nothing to do with the Big Bang. This verse, that is my universe now, existed long before the Big Bang. 

Even when the palpable Universe with perceivable dimensions collapses and disintegrates completely. I will still exist because my verse is situated in the Cosmos where few stars never die and the planets that orbit these stars do not die either. 

It is so due to one reason, these stars have been nursed by our ancestors who created different verses of the universe, so that their energies could feed these stars. And whenever a verse within a multiverse dies, a new verse is being formed by our wise elders to replace it so that our suns live forever. We live beyond infinity and beyond the reaches of time. Because when we create something from nothing, it is understood time too does not exist. Yet we exist! 

And in the verses, where mortals live, and many immortals too, who can live for thousands of years, our elders always find someone they feel is a part of our main verse. Because his/her soul matches with that of our elders. It is all coincidence if you may call it. And I happen to be this one! That is what I have been told and that is what I hear from them. To you they might be aliens, but to me they are the giants who are very generous and they manage the universe for someone, who lives in all verses yet this being lives exclusively in one verse. 

Because in that realm, nothing ends and nothing begins. It is what it is and it shall be what it has always been. Undisturbed, untouched, and the giants say, only few wise elders have ventured into that realm at the command of the master who manages the ultimate verse of the Universe. And these chosen elders receive supernatural powers in Physics, Mathematics, Genetics, Philosophy, Arts, Languages, Literature; and most important of all disciplines of knowledge essential to manage the workings of the Universe, it is the science of Aesthetics that is of highest importance.

And when it comes to aesthetics, only few men and women possess the gift to master it. Very rare and totally loved by the giants. And the master of the final verse, is a peerless genius when it comes to aesthetics. Without it, managing the universe will be impossible.

This shall explain why the MothFields can survive even within the chaos. Yes that is correct. by applying Mathematics of Aesthetics. Now these may appear counter acting fields of science ( Mathematics and Aesthetics ) but the universe is 80% Aesthetics and only 20 percent Mathematics, and the rest of sciences. That is why I used the phrase: "Mathematics of Aesthetics" and I did not say, Mathematics and Aesthetics.

Anyway, when the Universe ended i.e. our verse and all habitable planets within it perished, I was rescued. How, why, when? I have no idea. But now I live among the real immortals of the Universe who live as long as they wish to. And they have granted me this wish as well. It is a very dangerous and at the same time great gift, and handling it with wisdom and without haughtiness is what makes an immortal the giant of the Universe. A true candidate to be the citizen of MothFields.

And this is their story, the true giants of the Universe who create Universes to feed their never aging stars. Now that is science that only giants can deal with, but giants who are exceptionally kind and generous. 

It was April on our planet and everyone was busy welcoming the Spring. The leaves had not emerged yet, the boughs of trees still bore traces of winter’s frostbite and their tips had a frozen tip that glistened like a white diamond. Many abandoned nests had many visitors prospecting them for their Summer accommodation. Yes, you guessed it right, it was a typical Spring and everyone: birds, animals and humans alike, were busy being busy. 

In this Spring rush, I and a few of my friends, like always, decided to climb the mountain and use the treeless and gently sloping snow gully to slide down all the way from the top of the mountain to its base. It was a slope that was roughly 7 kilometers long. And we loved it.

So, we took our thick tarpaulin sheets, nearly 4 feet long and 3 feet wide, and when we reached the top of the mountain. We sat on them, while a few of us preferred to lie in them, and we slid all the way to the base. Without a thing to worry about, because the slope was gentle, and there was no obstruction at all in the entire course. 

There was no natural obstruction, but with 22 of us sliding at the same time, there was every chance of a pileup and collision of over zealous youngsters sliding down the slope using tarpaulin sheets. Over which we had no control when it came to managing their speed. It was like a free fall. Only gravity, the gradient of the slope, and the hardness or softness of the snow, determined the speed at which we slid down. And yes, our body weights mattered a lot too.

So, we avoided the pileup, by sequencing our turns with an interval of 7 minutes. We had learned this over many years of collisions and bruising of elbows, that if we sequenced our timing in less than 7 minutes, the pileup was unavoidable. Anything greater than 7 minutes was nothing short of a pleasure ride, that at times, if not always, felt like a Disney Land that was created by us and partly nature as well. Because this 16 kilometer long gully that ran from top of the mountain to its bottom, was the complete work of nature and we had nothing to do with it. 

And this Spring we did the same. Aisha took the first turn, Tom was the second, I was third and Veman followed me along with the rest of the enthusiasts. We were screaming and laughing as loud as we could, because in this gully there was no competition. There was only one purpose, to have fun and enjoy, and thus the competition assumed a new form. Whoever laughed louder, meant he/she was having the fun of the lifetime. And as of now, we all could hear Isha's laughters. They were crisp, loud and for some reason very clear. Everyone knew immediately that she had won today, especially the 10 of us who were ahead of the rest, and if we could hear her, then it was certain the rest of the mountain heard her too. Maybe even the city dwellers who live at the base of this mountain heard her clearly as well.

We must have covered 4 kilometers when I found myself almost hitting Isha with my feet. And then we all began piling up over one another like logs rolling down the hill and then  piling up at the foot of the hill. The laughters turned into screams and Isha won again. So did I!

Then a few of us managed to get up, and began pulling the rest of our fallen fellows. And we all looked around to collect our tarpaulin sheets. We somehow rolled them up and then tied them with strings that we carried in our pockets.

All of us began wondering, why didn't the 7 minutes rule work? What had changed this Spring? Then all of us secretly began examining one anothers waist, rest of the body, and everyone looked the same as last year, because most of us were older than 19 years and there was no chance that we could grow foot taller or shorter; or put on 15 kilograms of extra weight during the winter season, that lasts 4 months.

Finally, Tom noticed something and we all agreed. This year the snow in the gully was less soft and its upper surface was still icy, and this meant those who sat on the sheets drifted faster than those who slept on their sheets. And few of us, who tend to paddle faster with our feet, slid at double the speed than usual, and this caused the pileup. And Tom suggested that the peddlers, with restless feet ( that is his version of their description ) should be placed in the front, and we should increase the interval of each launch by 10 minutes.

We all agreed. And without any concession in our enthusiasm, we launched ourselves again into the gully of our Spring pleasure, and this time we all reached the base of the mountain, without any crash. And Isha was the winner, as far as being happier and louder is concerned. She had won today!

Then we all assembled that afternoon outside our college, and walked upto Isha’s house. By all, I mean, I and four of my friends. Tom, who we all believe likes her, and he often looks for reasons to see her. Has invented a new reason to see her today at her house. And the reason is a bit funny. He wants to ask her mother if she would like him to tend to her garden. Because he knows she likes her garden and due to some reason, lately she has not been tending to it. 

So we stand there, Tom rings the bell. Ting tong and a clacking sound. Then Isha’s mother appears at the door and asks Tom in her stern mannerism, for which she is famous among all of us.

“What do you want, Tom? If you want to see Isha, she is busy cooking lunch!”

Tom looked at her and said: “Mam, would you like me to tend to your garden, it looks so unkempt? I will do it for free.”

A hint of smile appeared on her face and she immediately accepted the offer and asked him to come tomorrow at 10:00 am. And to our surprise, she asked him to stay for dinner as well. Well, Tom could not have asked for more.

At the corner, where we were waiting for Tom. We all smiled and congratulated him. And we teased him as well. “Now the Romeo of the city will taste food cooked by Isha! Please do not forget your friends Tom.” 

We all laughed and went to a roadside tea stall and sat on a bench, waiting to drink some of this hot beverage that India gifted to the west and China gifted to the World. So is our belief and Isha often doubts our assumptions!

Anyway that is how it has been for a few years now. We were holding our cups, and the tea in our cups started moving like a mini whirlpool, then the daylight disappeared all of a sudden, and we could see our faces, we could still make out the road, but it was dark and there was no prediction about any sort of eclipse.

We paid for the tea and we all looked around. We heard a rumbling sound, and now everyone, including us, was looking at the sky. There was a huge, round shield spinning at high velocity, and it was gaining a more solid form with every passing second. And we all knew, our planet had visitors or something was wrong with the balance of the universe.  The shield could be anything, another planet, a massive sized meteor, a spaceship, only imagination could not get tired in this guessing game.

We ran towards our homes and there was total confusion on roads, lanes, parks, everywhere. And the gully of the mountain where we used to seek our Disney Land moments, had transformed completely. It had merged with the rest of the mountain and the mountain appeared to be shivering, with tree branches moving rigorously. And on the road vehicles were moving ahead but with no control over direction of movement.

Then, the round thing that had appeared in the sky vanished. As it disappeared, everything turned still. Just like the peak of the mountain on a snowy day. As still as that.

I was about to step into Tom’s house, when everything under my feet disappeared. I felt I was standing in thin air, and at times it felt like standing on thin air. The entire planet had been consumed by the space that surrounded it. And all this had happened due to the deviation caused in its orbital movement.

And I was standing in the middle of everywhere, the universe itself, but if you looked at it carefully, I was standing on nothingness, the nowhere of the universe. 

Then I heard some noises or maybe sounds, I am not sure what it was. The next thing I know is that I woke up in MothFields. And now I work with the giants of the Universe. And according to them, our planet was bound for this end, because the galaxy was experiencing new gravitational forces that had altered the trajectory of our planet and it was bound to be consumed by its own sun. And when that happened, the giants took me away.

At MothFields, they are working on creating a new verse that will sustain life, and they are still thinking how they should align the sun and the planets. Because they want this to be a verse without the usual dangers of the universe. And there, on one of the planets they will replicate their own kind, with just a few differences: they can never be like the true giants. As for everything else, they will be giants for sure!

I have put all my experiences in the science fiction novel titled, They Loved in 2075, and it is a wonderful scifi experience, because it is a romance science fiction, where a Romeo like Tom eventually meets someone like Isha.

In addition to this, it is a different kind of science fiction, because it talks about global warming, climate change, technology that will transform humanity and the planet in 2075. Most interesting of all, it introduces the reader to the new type of evolution: Evolution of human emotions and feelings due to the exposure of humans to self aware machines.

Yet, there are two who exist in 2075, and prove that Romeos and Juliets will still exist in 2075, no matter how advanced machines become. Humans will do anything to stay human and feel human-like emotions.

Dedicated to the Romeo in you and the Juliet in you. 

This is me, calling it over and out from my base at MothFields where true giants live!

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