Best selling science fiction books. What they make us believe in!


Best selling science fiction books. What they make us believe in!

Science fiction book Dune impresses us because of its highly creative imagination, and the way it leads the #scifi readers into a that holy dimension of impalpable scifi reality, and still makes it feel so real and palpable.  

When we think of scifibook Frankenstein, it offers a completely different #scifi flavour. One that is incomparable. Because it forces the scifi reader’s imagination to take strides alongside its powerful scientific imagination that challenges every conventionality without ruining or distorting its primary scifi appeal of a wonderfully exciting story. Where almost after every short interval fiction appears to be transforming into valid scientific realities, and when Frankenstein’s Monster becomes alive and gains all life like sensations, the scifibook leaves the scifi readers completely blown away. Because it makes them believe in the unbelievable, and with a highly sophisticated scifi writing style and control over the scifi plot that is unique to Ms. Mary Shelley; the scifi reader is made to accept the overpowering eloquence of the scifibook. Moreso when it comes to scifi imagination that achieves absolute culmination in the #scifibook titled Frankenstein. To marvel at its matchless scientific revelation, you must read it. Also, the scifibook titled: The Invisible Man, written by the father of scifi genre, Mr. H. G. Wells, a scifi reader is offered a choice to think and judge the concept presented in the #scifibook, but the author’s use of words and arrangement of sentences is so well executed that the scifi reader always chooses what the scifi author wants him/her to choose. And that choice is always and for all scifi readers the same, “believe in the concept and believe in the invisible man too, because it is possible.” And by the time the #scifi readers have concluded reading the #scifibook, they become so dominated by this thought of invisibility, that most of the scifi readers assume for a moment or two that they have themselves become invisible. If not in reality, but they definitely imagine it to be so for a moment. Because they believe in the Invisible Man created by Mr. H. G. Wells. 

And when it comes to the best selling #scifibooks, most of them always make the scifi readers believe in something, mostly the imagination that the scifibook promotes. Which in most of the cases is always a new scientific idea.

Dune makes us believe in the wonder drug and a lot of other concepts, Frankenstein makes us believe in the possibility that the dead can be brought back to life, although at the same time it also makes no obvious attempt to uncouple ethical aspects from such scientific goals. And the #scifibook, The Invisible Man makes us believe in a scientific concept that is radical and very monumental, considering the time when the scifibook was published. 

And it would not be incorrect to say that best selling scifibooks impregnate the #scifi readers’ minds with extraordinarily creative scientific ideas. And then lets them find those impassable factors of logical realities that prevent these new scientific ideas from wearing the cloak of reality. And when the scifi readers begin decoding the new scientific imagination, most of the time they do secure pedagogic direction that would  fact check and authenticate this new scientific reality. Most of the time the scifi readers do succeed in achieving this logical ratification.

And when this happens, the scifibook makes the scifi reader believe in himself/herself, and on experiencing this vortex of new scientific revelation within him/her, the scifibook automatically becomes his/her intellectual mentor. Apart from being a great source of  scifi enjoyment. And what can keep such a scifibook from becoming the best selling scifibook- A scifibook that makes the scifi reader believe in his/her own scientific zeal and also in the scientific idea expressed in it. 

As long as a scifibook succeeds in making the scifi readers believe in something, especially its scientific thought, the scifi readers would be willing to read the #scifibook with a lot of fervour. Without at all feeling that the reading experience was punitive at all. Because there are a few reading experiences where towards the end of the book the reader feels it was not at all a gainful experience. 

In scifibooks erstwhile imaginations that have already been dealt with by many authors in the past, are unable to garner universal acceptance from the scifi readers. Because most of them associate it with their existing bank of scientific imaginations. And when a scifi imagination lacks newness, the scifi reader’s mind turns consciously inconsiderate towards it. And in a horse race, where the horse intentionally does not want to run faster, no matter how efficient the rider maybe, the horse has no chance of winning the race.

And a #scifibook that makes the scifi readers experience an erstwhile and retrogressive imagination, turns itself into this horse that could have easily won the race, but due to its unwillingness to run faster. It loses the race, that in this case would mean being unable to become the best selling scifibook.

A #scifi reader is willing to believe in the new as long as it does not completely discredit the old or uses fiction that overflows with logical inadequacy. 

And there is a #scifibook that makes the scifi readers believe in the most believable version of reality that would exist in 2075. This scifibook is titled: They Loved in 2075.

It is a romance scifi and it is a technologically super advanced scifi at the same time. Now that might sound like Romeo falling in love with Juliet in 2075, only that in 2075, Juliet happens to have lost all her human emotions and she cannot feel love the way humans are meant to. Now that is interesting and a very strong possibility in 2075, when humans will be surrounded by self aware machines and AI powered robots.

To feel the new climax of romance, read the #scifibook, They Loved in 2075, to know the technological zenith humans will achieve in 2075, read the scifibook, They Loved in 2075; and to know if humans will be able to love and feel human-like emotions at all, once again, read the scifibook, They Loved in 2075.

If you did not like any of these reasons; then to believe in something revolutionary and groundbreaking, and something that leaves your mind amazed; please explore the story, the scifibook, They Loved in 2075, has to tell.

Best selling science fiction books. How they motivate us!


Best selling science fiction books. How they motivate us!

Best selling #sciencefiction books are mostly about scientific adventures where fiction is the main driver of the plot. But this scientific adventure is of a different kind, one where a completely unheard of scientific idea lays the foundation of interest generating sequences of scientifically fascinating imaginations that the scifi readers find very interesting. And the real talent of scifi authors lies in presenting these scientific imaginations in such a way that they instantly communicate with the minds of the #scifi readers. Not only that, because as soon as this new scientific imagination permeates the thought breeding epicenter of scifi readers’ minds, it should initiate in them a rigour of scientific temperament that they find easily ratifying.  Because the new imagination brings out in them the motivation needed to believe that it is science alone that offers answers to everything in the most satisfying way and they are destined to find some enthralling answers to great mysteries of the universe; and life that exists in the universe. 

If the #scifibook fills the scifi reader’s mind with these motivating thoughts, then the scifibook is going to be a best seller. Because who does not like a little motivation, a brief pat of encouragement; a gesture of reassurance that you too can do it.

And this is where the main struggle of most of the scifi authors lies. How to motivate their scifi readers and become their great source of thought engineering? 

And make the scifi readers believe they too can be great inventors and brave discoverers. Because if we are born, we are born to discover an invention or invent a discovery that lies embedded somewhere within us. All it takes is an inner scientific quest to find it; and nothing adds a better objectivity to this quest than a best selling #scifibook.

Motivation comes in different forms and it can influence each one of us differently. When it is about scifi readers, they are always seeking motivational avenues, and they mostly find it via #scifibooks. And we all know that only a few scifibooks go on to become the best selling scifibooks. This only means one thing: that few scifibooks deeply motivate most of the scifi readers. If it were not so, then best selling #scifibooks would not have existed.

Why is it so that a few scifibooks become the bestsellers? What is so different in them that they motivate most of the scifi readers with a sweeping influence?

Let us try to uncover this secret motivational factor that makes a scifibook the most popular scifibook.

Have you ever watched world leaders delivering speeches or leading processions? If you notice them carefully, the leaders who attract mass support from the population are the ones who are great orators. But then there are many brilliant orators, and all of them do not go on to become great leaders. 

A great orator who is a great leader as well, is the one who does not tell his/her story. He/she tells the stories of the people who he/she wants to uplift from their economic and social distress. Wait! Hold on please, it is not that simple. Because now few of you might be thinking that you learned the main secret to become a leader, and you might want to get busy becoming one yourself. Please bear with me a little longer and let me conclude this blog post, because I have not yet revealed the main secret. If you rush, you might succeed in becoming part leader and part someone else.

Let us assume a person is a great orator. People love listening to him/her. But after a few days they will get bored of him/her and his/her speeches because a leader has to understand the difference between being an entertainer and a leader. Entertainers have a very strong and dominant stage presence. But can we make the leader and entertainer switch roles? I believe in case of a few entertainers we can, but not all. And it is the same in case of leaders too.

And this is where great leaders are different. They are spectacular orators, but to fulfil the main requirement of being a “great Leader and not just a leader” they also possess the quality of being impressive motivators as well. They are able to cast a spell on their audience with only one telepathic objective, “believe me and you shall be happy ever after!”

As far as analysis of world’s leading fortune tellers is concerned, when it comes to impressing their clients they always refer to common topics e.g. relationships, money, children, wife, husband, professional life etc. etc.  And they mostly get most of their assessments correct; well it is their experience that works in their favour. Because generally we all are dealing with an issue or two in our lives that at least has something to do with the topics listed in this paragraph.

So, a great leader is someone who also happens to be a great telepathy expert. And in 2024, with the help of data it is easy to connect with the population and offer them solutions that they are interested in, because they are about issues or matters that matter to them the most. And with great oratorship coupled with right motivational topics, the leader will be an instant sensation among the population.

And the best selling scifi authors are like these great leaders. Who know what the scifi readers like and want to know about. By addressing these likings of the scifi readers and by using “motivational tone” in their scifibooks; they interact with the minds of the scifi readers with such intensity that the scifi readers treat these scifibooks as their sacred precepts meant to help them venture far in their new scientific quests.

What do I mean by motivational tone?

It is not only about the use of mellow words or sweet sounding sentence construction. Motivational tone is more about constructing a purpose based plot that the scifi readers can find meaningful and sufficiently inspiring. If the scifi plot is about a world where plants grow in air, water flows from skies, gravity is zero, and so on. The scifi readers who are not only smart, but are street smart too. Their sharp minds would immediately begin to question this scifi plot, because it is unrealistic.

Let me explain why.

If the gravity is zero, how can water fall from the sky? It should remain suspended in the air and never trickle onto the surface of the planet.

Also, I know of endophytes, but they need a host to live on. Mentioning plants growing in thin air is impossible, unless there are some impurities or some suspended matter in the air that acts as a host for these plants. Simply saying plants grew in air is not acceptable to any scifi reader. And when a scifibook is promoting such a story, it fails to motivate the scifi readers. Who after sometime lose interest in the scifibook and the most obvious happens. It does not become the best selling #scifibook.

But, on the other hand a best selling scifibook is very motivating because its plot, though very exotic, is not deprived of scientific reasoning and facts.

Here is an example.

A scifibook that refers to the world that would exist in 2075, brings the scifi readers’ attention to extreme rise in global temperatures which has led to water scarcity. And as the story progresses it refers to a wonderful solution to generate water via a simple technology that fuses hydrogen and oxygen atoms. It also mentions genetically modified trees bearing leaves thicker in diameter. Due to which they absorb more CO2 and release a very high concentration of oxygen into the atmosphere. And so on.

Now, when a scifi reader interacts with such a concept, he/she feels motivated and he/she wants to know more. Because most of the scifi readers are active environmentalists as well. And when this scientific awareness takes hold of them they all contribute in making the scifibook a raging success. 

Why is it so?

Because in this case the scifi author used the right motivational factors that matter, not just to few of us, but to all humans who want to live and survive on the planet Earth in 2075 and beyond. Then the writing style of the scifi author does the rest. 

Just like the great leader knows what motivates his/her population, he/she also knows something else. How to motivate them after knowing what motivates them. And in best selling scifibooks the great authors know what motivates their #scifi readers, and when it comes to “how to motivate the scifi readers,” they are almost invincible. And that is why their #scifibooks become the best selling scifibooks.

If you want to know how well scifibooks can motive scifi readers and what a great impression it can leave on their minds. Then you must read the scifibook titled: They Loved in 2075.

It is a romance scifi. Now that should not create the impression it is meant to only motivate lovers. Infact it has lot of motivation to offer to all of us. Because in 2075, humans may have lost their ability to emote and feel like humans. Because of their increasing social and commercial interactions with self aware machines.

Now this is a great surprise. Correct!

And that is why I said it shall motivate each one of you because we all are lovers at the end of the day. Lovers of nature, lovers of environment, lovers of technology, lovers of humans; just lovers, you know what I mean, lovers of God and Goddesses as well, and that is why the scifibook, They Loved in 2075 is for lovers. Is for all of you!

Are you in love or have you been in love?

To know and be sure, please read the #scifibook titled: They Loved in 2075. If you are a lover, it will make you a better lover, if you have not been in love ever, it will make you fall in love forever!

All this demands a very insignificant investment. The investment to read the #scifibook They Loved in 2075, with your mind that is never forsaken by the heart.

Best selling science fiction books. That secret interdependence


Best selling science fiction books. That secret interdependence

If one could get to be an audience to the conversation between eternity and time, one would find that both depend on each other for their existence. But one might also disagree with this assumption based conclusion because time is the creator of eternity. Therefore, it should always be able to exist without the existence of eternity. 

For a moment it seems to be a very reasonable explanation to disqualify this assumption. However, whatever exists in this universe should be able to fulfil a much bigger goal than what appears to be the part of cosmic role assigned to every force and entity that exists in the universe; time being one of them. And for time the most apparent role is to offer a sense of existence with respect to the existence of other forces and entities that matter to the universe. Irrespective of the fact whether that force of entity possesses self awareness or is devoid of self awareness. 

Sometimes self aware forces begin to assume that something that is not self aware has no existential significance. And if one is to believe in this thought then time too becomes insignificant because it is unlikely that it will be self aware.

But it is a belief that is fraught with impairments. Because if point A does not exist, when you reach point B, you may never realise that you have arrived at point B. Because nothing existed in the form of point A, that would offer you what I call existential awareness with regard to a location. And it is time that makes this existential awareness with regard to a certain location perceivable. Without time that does not move towards eternity or to become eternity eventually, recognising this physical existence with regard to a certain location would be almost impossible. That is why time and eternity share a very close interdependence. 

For time eternity is not an impassable landmark, because time creates eternity. Eternity exists where moments of time create a  universal perception of existence. Time travels towards eternity and eternity exists because of time. It is a very complex interdependence; but it is what makes the universe the way it is. 

Here let us not forget that time does not travel with the same momentum or pace in all realms of the universe. Its pace varies depending upon a lot of factors.

Anyway, we are here to know about the interdependence shared by the scifi authors and scifi readers. So, let me proceed with it.

Just like time and eternity share an interdependence that cannot be replaced by anything else. Similarly #scfi authors and scifi readers share a very strong interdependence that cannot be disowned by either of them. Although towards the end the purpose of this interdependence is decided by scifibooks. Creations of scifi authors’ fertile imagination, and how well these imaginary concepts are received by the scifi readers, defines the success or universal acceptance of these #scifibooks, and through them the scifi authors’ scientific imagination.

It is an extremely strong but impalpable force that develops into a strong bond between the scifi author and scifi readers. And scifi authors who are able to understand the importance of this bond usually become the creators of scifibooks that impress the scifi readers with such a global appeal, that these #scifibooks become the best selling #scifibooks. 

What is this bond or this interdependence shared by the scifi author and scifi readers?

Allow me to explain it with sufficient clarity and use an example that does not allow any situation of imagination related impasse to arise. 

I may be sounding a bit impenitent right now, but it is a fact that often goes unaddressed due to, not our lack of awareness about it, but due to our lack of interest in it. And its cause could be our shallowness when it comes to understanding its role in making a scifibook the best selling #scifibook.

So what is the interdependence shared by the scifi author and #scifibook? What is it and what purpose does it serve?

Just like a car serves the purpose of transportation, with aeroplanes and ships also being the means of transportation. All these three means of transport need a medium in order to travel from point A to point B. 

Thank God time exists, so as long as these agents of transport move from point A to point B, the observer, who can be a passenger or someone who is just seeing the means of transport move and is just an onlooker, can easily tell that it is moving or experiencing a mechanised locomotion. 

Coming to the medium related part. A car needs a road or a solid surface to travel on, an aeroplane needs air to fly and a  ship needs water in order to complete its voyage. Without the existence of the medium the means of transport will be rendered useless. And in case of transportation, means of transport and medium of transport share a very close interdependence.

Now, when it comes to scifi author/s and scifi readers, the scifibook becomes the medium through which scifi author expresses his/her new scientific views. Without the #scifibook, the scifi author will exist as the means of scientific imagination, so will the scifi reader, but their literary and indirect interaction will not exist, because there will be no medium to promote or support it. That is why it is important that the scifi author understands its critical role and the scifi reader fulfils his/her part with complete devotion and without being deliberately vitriolic. Which can be the case sometimes, if not always.

The scifi authors who know that their scifibook/s are the only medium they can use to communicate their scientific imagination with the scifi readers and earn their goodwill. They conceive the new scientific imagination in the exclusivity of their mental brilliance, but without being ignorant about what their scifi readers like or prefer in the form of new scientific thoughts and ideas. 

If the scifi author uses the medium i.e. the scifibook only as his/her means to express himself/herself then he/she may never be able to write the best selling scifi book. Because this approach will alienate most of the scifi readers, first from his/her concept and then from his/her scifi book as well. Because the scifi readers would find no reason to travel with the imagination of the scifi author that intends to lead them to that final point or final thought expressed in the scifibook. And when that happens, the #scifibook is unable to gain mass acceptance among the scifi readers. This was about the scifi author’s part of responsibility when it comes to using the scifibook as a medium to communicate with scifi readers.

But what is the role of scifi readers when it comes to the use of the medium, that leads them to a new scientific point of view? 

Let us not forget that all scifi readers are humans first and then everything or everyone else. And being humans, a #scifi reader can be mentally too invested in a specific scientific thought/s. And due to this intellectual rigidity, the scifi reader unknowingly declines to accept the new scientific realities being revealed in the scifibook. And when that happens, the scifi reader is unable to make the right use or understand the right scientific perspective being promoted by the scifibook. In this case the medium that reveals new and exciting scientific realities. Therefore, it is important for the scifi readers to acquire intellectual flexibility along with intellectual acceptability of new scientific thoughts. Only then can the scifi readers make full use of the medium called scifibook. Anyway, this is about the scifi reader’s part of responsibility.

But how are they interdependent? Well, they clearly are!

Both use the common medium i.e. the scifibook. The scifi author depends on the #scifibook’s success for his/her overall growth. And the scifi reader uses the scifibook to gain new scientific knowledge. But for the scifi reader it is not possible without developing the ability to liberate himself/herself from all scientific shortsightedness prior to using the scifibook as a tool to gain awareness of new scientific possibilities. So, it can be said that both are seeking something from the scifibook. The #scifi author is seeking success and the scifi reader is seeking new scientific gains to feed his/her intellect . And it is the fulfilment of these individual objectives, both of them pursue via the scifibook that makes them interdependent.

In this interdependence, the scifi author owes the #scifi readers the fulfilment of the promise. That via the scifibook, he/she will share the best and logically approvable, and new scientific realities. That the scifi readers should find desirable and exciting as well. Whereas the scifi readers also need to keep their part of the obligation. That prior to denouncing or endorsing the new scientific concept expressed in the #scifibook, they will rid themselves free of all scientific rigidities; and view the scifi author’s new scientific imagination with a fresh and liberal perspective towards the new science it refers to. 

It is this interdependence that binds the scifi author with the scifi readers. And it is the other way around as well. Where the scifi readers are dependent on scifi authors to derive that scifi excitement.

Hence, it can be summarised in this way. The scifi author has to always bear in mind the scifi reader’s tastes, and write a #scifibook that the #scifi readers do not find unsavoury. And at the same time, scifi readers are obliged not to let any of their old or favourite tastes interfere with their mental taste buds to such an extent, that the scifi reader denies himself/herself the pleasure of savouring something new, and something that could be an extremely well flavoured taste of reading a scifibook with a new scientific twist. 

Only by fulfilling their respective promises. The scifi reader and the scifi author can seek the ratification of purpose via the same medium i.e. a well written and a well read scifibook. And here is an unobjectionable universal fact. “A well written scifibook is usually a well read scifibook as well!”

If you want to read something that offers a great #scifi reading experience and acts as a medium to know all possibilities that would exist in 2075. Then you must read the #scifibook titled, They Loved in 2075.

Here is something to make your scifi hungry mind lean more towards this scifibook. It is a romance #scifi with a lot of technological freshness. It is based on a romance story where one of the lovers is unable to emote like humans, because her human layer of emotions has been wiped off due to her excessive interaction with self aware machines. Moreover, it also refers to neural networks and links that manage everything right from human societies and technological simulations as far as their quantum processing based outputs are concerned.

It should excite you enough, because how can you love when you have no emotion left in you to recognise a feeling like love. And still, the #scifibook They Loved in 2075 is a romance scifi story. Wondering how!

To know and introduce your mind to the new tastes of romance, and romantic dealings of life that would exist in 2075, please read the scifibook, They Loved in 2075.

Best selling science fiction books. Is there anything dependable in scifi stories?


Best selling science fiction books. Is there anything dependable in scifi stories?

Science fiction books reveal new worlds to the #scifi readers who eagerly wait to get transported into these worlds of science fiction, and let their scientific vitality seeking imagination roam freely in this world; gathering moments of scientific ratification necessary for building a pedagogic pathway that leads to the progressive development of scifi reader’s imagination. And it is a highly concerted effort on part of the scifi reader and an extra concerted effort when it comes to the author of the #scifibook. Who has to ensure that his/her scifibook does not become the birthplace of vitriolic scientific concepts that the scifi readers despise letting their minds become a part of. 

All for one reason alone: Lack of acceptable realism that makes the #scifi concept appear more like an undependable reality that fails to offer confidence to the scifi readers. Who are cautious not to get carried away by the false display of scientific fortitude  that can make the scifi readers victims of unsolicited moments of reality. Because they are baseless and preposterous. In that they proclaim what can have an existence only in a fiction dependent world as it is completely devoid of reality.

But what does this mean?

Reality is not what exists and can be seen, reality is anything that can be proven by employing scientific scrutiny. And something, rather anything that cannot be proven scientifically is a reality too, but it is surrounded by endless doubts. Because about it nothing can be proven at all. And these doubts never appear to settle as long as someone does not find a means to prove that the reality in question is either riddled with imperfections or prove that there is some ingredient of dependable reality in it. Only then this proposed reality can acquire a kind of stable state i.e. rejection or acceptance by the #scifi reader’s mind.

And there are a few #scifibooks that never let the mind of scifi reader raise doubts about the dependable aspects of the new scientific realities proposed by them. The reality that in the scifibook gets focused on the scifi reader’s mind, that is anxiously seeking new scientific exploits. That have to be in proportion with his/her eagerness to explore new scientific fronts. Where he/she can reduce the chasm between dependable reality and reality that still depends largely on the fiction. If a #scifibook offers enough evidence to support the fiction dependent reality, the #scifi readers become least opposing towards it; and the fiction dependent reality begins to move more into the scifi reader’s hemisphere of verified and dependable realities that have a provable aspect of reality ascribed to them.  

Let us try to bring it under the umbrella of clearer perspective based understanding.

I am sure you have read the #scifibook titled: The Invisible Man written by Mr. H. G. Wells. Imagine a scifi reader reading this scifibook 50 years ago. 

Are you thinking what I am thinking?

We are on the same trail of thoughts because any #scifi reader in those days would have treated this concept about human invisibility as someone's imagination gone too wild. So wild that it  lost its touch with reality. Therefore, making it too dependent on fiction, that the scifi readers then would have found least acceptable. Because imagining a human being becoming invisible would be like turning the physical state of the human body into something as impalpable as air. And when it comes to scientific proof of such a concept, it falls flat.

Making it a scifi concept that can have existence only in a fiction dependent world that is completely devoid of reality. And to many scifi readers the #scifibook with such a remarkable concept, just because of the scientifically brave and unheard of reality would have become the birthplace of a scientific concept that is vitriolic. Because the scifi readers would have found it too fictitious to be true.

I think this offers clarity to what I am trying to explain via this blog post. As I explain the other side of it, it will become much clearer to you.

Imagine you and I reading this #scifibook in 2024. By the way, I once again read it in 2023.  And I did not at all find it conceptually retrogressive, instead I found it scientifically very progressive. And my mind could relate with the struggles of the scientist who wanted to invent invisibility. And instantly my mind assumed an aggressively defensive mode whenever my very little knowledge about physics, biology and chemistry began doubting the validity of this concept.

And there it was! The rush of #scifi trance that led to a revelation. That Mr. H. G. Wells used chemistry as the means to achieve invisibility, but given our advancements in optics and related faculty of physics. I realised that achieving invisibility is not impossible at all if we apply physics more than chemistry to the concept of invisibility.

So, I myself as a scifi reader forced myself to invent a dependable reality for this brave and very intelligent idea of invisibility proposed by a brilliantly talented #scifi writer like Mr. H. G. Wells. 

This is what happens when a brave and exciting scifi concept is leasing too much standing from fiction; the scifi reader’s mind consciously seeks appropriateness in these not dependable figments of imagination. And if the #scifi author has seeded in his/her brave scientific idea a hint of provable reality, the scifi reader’s mind is able to spot it with an undeniable certainty. It is just the matter of time when scientifically broadminded scifi readers will someday discover the dependable reality in the inventive thought of the scifi author. And this is where scifi books are unique. If the scifi author invents something, it forces a diligent scifi reader to discover something in it. And if the #scifi author’s imagination discovers something, it offers the scifi reader a lot of scope to invent something from it.

Now that shall explain what is the true purpose behind this blog post. It is to make the scifi readers realise one important fact. Reality is not real enough unless it can be proven. It is almost like the sleeping state of human body. You exist and you do not exist as well. Both realities are true. But it depends on who is is sleeping and who is observing the person sleeping. For the person observing the person sleeping, the sleeping person exists, because he/she is right there. But for the person sleeping, the person observing him/her does not exist, because he/she cannot see him/her, although he/she is right there in front of him/her.

And #scifibooks always come with similar realities, where a part of it is sleeping. But there is a predominant constant in this case. A scifibook always represents the #scifi author, who is physically absent and is the one sleeping. Whereas the scifi readers who are reading the scifi book are the ones observing the #scifi author’s imagination while being fully awake. If we observe carefully, we will always find enough evidence that the scifi author exists as does his/her imagination, that only requires scifi readers’ earnest evaluation, in order to offer it that status of dependable reality. And if nothing at all, at least arrive at the realisation that something of this nature cannot be supported by provable reality.

That is what will be termed as scifi reader’s inventive instinct that never refrains from discovering new realities. Now this is a bit complicated, but brain twisters of this nature place us on the busy runway of scientific thoughts proposed by #scifibooks. Where these scientific thoughts pace on two tracks: proven reality and endless imagination. And it is upto the scifi readers to add enough momentum to reality and catch up with these endless ideas of imagination. And when that happens, achieving invisibility in humans seems possible. All it takes is to believe in something and then work on it with extreme dedication. Like the scientist in Mr. H. G. Wells #scifi novel, The Invisible Man.

If you need motivation to offer sufficient momentum to your thoughts so that they can catch up with imagination where many inventions and discoveries wait to reveal themselves. Then you must read the scifibook titled: They Loved in 2075.

Well, this romance #scifibook is very unique, because it is based on imagination that is already resting on strong pillars of dependable reality. Because it is about the world that will exist in 2075, and this imagination is based on scientific and social realities of today, which are evolving fast. And in 2075, scientific advancement will be at its highest point and so will be social evolution of humans. Because it is a known and historically proven fact that whenever scientific achievements reach a pinnacle, societies experience a lot of cultural and behavioural changes. Few changes are acceptable and a few are unacceptable.

Take for example the romance story narrated in the #scifibook, They Loved in 2075. Where due to increased interaction of the girl, whom the lead character is in love with; fails to emote like humans. Her human layer of emotion has entered a dormancy state because of her increased interaction with self aware machines.

And there will be many such realities humans will have to face in 2075, both on technological and social front. You might be thinking this person is buying too much from baseless imagination. Just like a few readers would have thought about Mr. H. G. Wells when he had published his book titled, The Invisible Man. 

Let me offer something in support of my claim.

Have you heard of these words:

  • Emoji

  • Smiley

  • GIF and Jpeg files

  • Txt me

  • Gnt ( Good night )

  • Tweet

If I would have used these words with my father who was highly educated, and he loved reading a lot. He would be clueless about all of them, except one word. Do you know why? He belonged to a different generation when smartphones did not exist and people did not use chatting based interfaces, which caused a linguistic revolution. It is the same with my mother too, whom I consider to be the walking encyclopedia of proverbs used in our local dialect ( Kashmiri ). And please do not ask me about her reaction! Whenever I tell her gnt, she offers me a blank expression, devoid of everything; except one expression. A smile that means a smile, but the reason for the smile is not even known to her. And for very obvious reasons. Generation gap. And maybe it has something to do with the progressiveness of society as well. Because few of the American, European, and a very few Indian grandmothers who are older than her know more about emojis and gnt like lingo than I do. I will attribute this quality to ones eagerness to learn; and that inner instinct that wants you to stay current. Because you believe in being forever young; and there is nothing wrong when it comes to maintaining this type of youth. 

But that does not mean people like my mother are less progressive. I believe they are differently progressive. Because she keeps adding more proverbs to her already saturated dictionary of local proverbs. And whenever she uses these proverbs with the young generation of today, they offer her the look that she gives them when they use lingo like GNT etc. with her. So it is a balanced conflict of likes, progressiveness, dislikes, cultural beliefs, dogmas, stigmas, and a lot of other elements too. And it is necessary for societies to develop, and for them to be able to reach that ultimate social extract that is acceptable to all. Without it societies will experience stagnation of all forms.

As far as I am concerned, I like knowing my local proverbs, while staying current with GNT like lingo too. Because a person of my age will otherwise be like a bridge that leads nowhere. As it will have no ends to connect itself to.

And Oxford University Press is very proactive and expeditiously prompt when it comes to noticing such linguistic and cultural changes. 


Because if you refer to an Oxford dictionary, a 30 years old edition, you will not find the exact meanings of these words, except for the word tweet. Which has been a formal word in English language, and that is why earlier in this blog post I admitted my father would have known it. However, if you refer to the latest editions of Oxford dictionary you will find these words included there. Not all, but words like smiley, emoji etc. Because txt and gnt are not words, they are either short forms of words or phrases and these words would not appear in the Oxford dictionary. 

It is commendable that Oxford University Press notices these cultural changes and recognises them as linguistic evolution as well. 

Please do not deny it. It is advanced societies, not conservative societies that realise these changes and accept them after proper examination. But at the same time, their bohemian class objects to a few changes brought forth by excessive technology and the society begins to reject these unwelcome changes. That is why few societies are very advanced today. And societies that possess every resource to be as advanced as these already advanced societies are lagging behind. Because they are unwilling to accept Emoji or Smiley as words. But the truth is, it is not harmful at all! On the contrary by recognising these new linguistic trends and including them in formal dictionaries, the society adds new words to its language. At the same time the society learns to become more adaptive as a global society.

But what is wrong and inappropriate should be pointed out and left out as well. The #scifibook, They Loved in 2075, is about all this and a lot more. It also is about one important question. Should humans feel like humans in 2075 or there is no harm if humans began feeling and behaving like machines? Afterall, machines powered by AI are advanced and more intelligent than humans today?

This will be your choice and in the end it will be our collective choice! I have made mine! #Scifibook, They Loved in 2075, makes the process of making this choice easier. Enjoy reading it and develop your lingo of 2075, that will be much needed by all those alive and living then. God speed!

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