The psychology of marketing and selling


The psychology of marketing and selling

With the introduction and excessive use of smart technologies, and new means of communication tools, the psychology of marketing and selling has changed. So, would be the assumption of most of the marketing experts Globally. But, the fact is, the psychology of marketing is the same because the buyers are the same, even the sellers are the same. The only component that has changed is the medium of selling and means of buying. Although the buyer still pays for the services or products, the way he/she pays has shifted. And it is this shift in buying and selling trends that adds a new layer to marketing techniques, but the rudimentary layer of marketing is still intact; and based on my understanding of marketing it will never change. Even after 20 years from now, when we will be interacting with super intelligent and self aware machines selling and promoting services or products to us, the fundamental aspects of marketing will remain intact.

The intelligent business owner knows that he/she needs to target two essential components of marketing i.e. Emotion and Attention

If you make the buyer experience these two feelings, he/she is yours, as far as his/her buying tendency is concerned, but once he/she has made the purchase or agreed to avail your services for the agreed upon service remuneration, it is the quality of the product and service, that will then define his/her cycle of continuous purchases. 

I call it cyclic purchases based on previous experience/s. If the experience is good the emotion will always bring him/her back to you, but if the experience is bad or average, the emotion will fade away, because it will be rendered ineffective by its reality based test, where it did not prove to feel like what it claimed. 

Marketing is like a love affair, with just one difference, even when married ( meaning : the customer likes your product/services and is your regular customer now ) you have to make continuous efforts to retain his/her loyalty. That is where the post sales process comes into action. And it is based on one fundamental feeling : Attention. 

However, here we need to apply an evolved form of mathematics. Which is about offering balanced doses of attention, if you do it in excess, the customer, for that matter even your lover, would feel extremely irked, it has to be delivered at right intervals, and when the customer or for that matter your lover, least expected it. That is true and brilliant marketing.

But, in 2022, when humans are interacting a lot with smart devices, there is a clash taking place right under our noses. Do you know who are involved in this clash?

It is ironic, but it is a fact that can neither be denied nor overlooked.

1- Traditional stores selling products and traditional companies offering services.


2- Modern multinational giants selling products and offering services, by employing traditional means and investing heavily in their online presence and online shops.

Both are catering to the same customer base, but I see a shift in buying trends, although most of the online giants are still struggling to gain complete penetration into markets. But traditional sellers or business owners are losing a lot of their business, and in the future this percentage will increase. Because traditional sellers are not able to realise the marketing genius applied by these multinational business conglomerates. Thus they are losing their grasp on their customers who have been loyal to them for centuries.

But how can someone lose a customer base that has been loyal to a business for centuries? The answer is a straightforward truth, that might hurt the sentiments of complacent and traditional business owners, because it is the blatant truth. 

"They are failing to offer Emotional and Attention driven selling."


They have been trapped, without allowing them the slightest inkling as to, how and when they were trapped. And that is where the modern psychology of marketing and selling needs to be understood in its completeness.

Moreover, before I proceed with this blog post, I do not wish to be mistaken as someone who favours one business model of selling and is totally against another business model of selling. I support both, as long as they respect human values, business ethics, do not engage in ruthless and insensitive business tactics; and most important of all they do not establish Profit as their chief goal of business. In addition to this, other ramifications of the new business trends also need to be understood from psychological, social and emotional aspects. And if the trends suggest that new business models have bereft our societies of their core values and degraded the evolution of human relationships, then it certainly is time to rethink and redefine these business models.

So, what is going on and why is it worrying? 

You seem interested in the topic now. And not to disappoint you, I am referring to a real life incident that will reveal the evolving facts of “The modern psychology of marketing and selling” where the traditional business owners are gradually losing ground, the change is so subtle that they do not even realise it. By the time they realise it, it might be too late, because by that time every business dynamic will be against them. 

It is as worrisome and as threatening as Climate Change and Global Warming, that we have been ignoring for many decades now. And its devastating effects have crippled many economies, and the recent heat waves have forced many businesses to re-invent their business models. We all know about the devastating effects of wild fire in Hawaii, it was a harrowing experience. If we still do not wake up, we all may wake up in the middle of wildfire, where we all will find ourselves surrounded by it from all sides, then it will be too late, very late in fact!

Anyway, here is the real life incident.

I went out to buy groceries for the week today. And I prefer buying from shops that have existed in these markets for many decades. At these shops it is always a human face with some emotion that I am interacting with.

So, as usual, I went to one of the shops, from where I buy vegetables, and today I had to buy onions and capsicum. ( Haa haa, you know my grocery list, not the entire list, but a part of it for certain!)

What takes me to this shop? Let me answer this question first.

Even when he ( shop owner ) has three or more customers standing there, and he is attending to them, with his head lowered down to focus on the weighing machine. Yet, somehow he notices every new customer and greets them. I find this phenomenal and it offers a very different kind of emotional satisfaction to a sensitive customer, who due to this proactive acknowledgement from the shopkeeper, now does not mind waiting there for 1 hour or more. ( Yes, provided the customer has the time ) 

And whenever it is my turn, then as is with everyone else, he greets me personally, then always, tells me something about his family or life, even if he makes it up, that does not matter. And when I am shopping from his small shop, he always calls me back as I am getting ready to leave, and says , “Ah I almost forgot. Here are a few chillies and some coriander for you. Just from my side!” He says this always, but changes the words and sentence structure. But never the intention.

So what is he doing?

He greets me, when I know he is extremely busy and not looking at me. By this simple act he grabs my attention. Then prior to entering into a business transaction with him, he shares something from his daily life, it makes me feel emotionally attached, then as I am leaving, he uses what I call, master tactic of marketing, he offers me freebies, although in very less quantity. Via this act he offers me what I call, “Emotional Attention.” 

Please note: Attention is one thing and emotional attention is quite another. It offers you an overdose of feelings, that cast themselves as web on your memories, and whenever you are in this market, this web assumes the form of tentacles, tentacles of feelings; that will always draw you towards this shop.

And, this is how it was today as well, when I purchased my capsicum and onions. And if you are wondering about freebies. I did receive them, inspite of the fact; that since last month prices of vegetables and daily use items have been extremely high, almost three times more than what it used to be. Nevertheless, he knows from his experience, the inflation will pass, but he shall not let his customers pass by unnoticed and unattended.

Without a marketing degree, he knows marketing that works in reality and always meets its targets. For one basic reason: He has gained all this knowledge from his real life experiences. And in marketing that is what counts.

Then as I concluded my shopping from his shop, he used his parting greeting with the right intonation and melody. And as long as I roam in this market, his greeting keeps echoing in my mind.

Now, I had to purchase some meat. 

So I went to a meat shop. But today, just for the sake of change, and gaining more insight on marketing focused observations, I decided to buy it from a different meat seller.

Here is an extract of the conversation that took place between us:

I : Slam sir!

Meat Shop owner : What do you need? Please.

I : Could I get meat for Rupees 500?

Meat Shop owner : Sure!

Then, he lowered his head and got busy cutting the meat from the part specified by me. 

In the meantime, someone came and asked him if he had sufficient carrying bags. He said yes and they had a detailed conversation. And during this time I did not exist, neither did the meat that he was preparing for me. It was just him and the man sharing details of carrying bags.

Their conversation took a little longer, almost a few minutes, so I interrupted him and asked for the meat that he had been preparing for me. Then his sudden reaction was:

Meat Shop owner : Oh my God!

Meat Shop owner : Let me do it for you.

Meat Shop owner : Here you go.

Meat Shop owner : Money please! And that will be 500.

I looked at the meat, placed it in my bag, and paid him the money and went off.

Now, do you notice the difference? Here, I got irritated waiting even for 2 minutes, but at the first shop I would not mind waiting even for 1 hour. That is marketing!

In my second interaction, where I am buying meat, there is no emotion and there is complete lack of attention. And when I am in this market again, maybe these buying motivators will work less in his favour and more in favour of the usual; meat shop, from where I often buy meat. 

Moreover, in my second conversation, the cultural sensitivity has been completely ignored, because the owner of the shop reiterated on the money part twice, although I had already mentioned it in the beginning. 

And in few cultures this is taken as an offence, whereas in modern cultures, usually in young countries, this is not regarded to be a cultural unruliness. 

Please note this point, because I will raise it again in a deeper context at a later stage of this blog post.

In addition to these aspects, there are other factors at play when it comes to buyer and seller focused interactions:

  • Ability to acknowledge the customer’s presence 

  • Voice and intonation

  • Greetings

  • Attitude ( Positive and Negative )

  • Body language

  • Ability to converse

  • Ability to engage emotionally even in a transaction as minor as buying onions

  • Means used to gain attention 

  • Command over language 

  • Use of words

  • Use of culture centric proverbs, phrases, news etc. ( but here, caution and lot of personal discretion, based on experience and customer’s preferences play a vital role )

  • Social etiquettes

  • Asking for fulfilment of the bill, while not sounding culturally offensive

  • Adding value to service offered or product sold

  • Invent a reason for the customer to return to you again

  • Make the customer feel you are a part of the business and it thrives because of him/her. Humans love being valued!

  • Being sensitive towards culturally appropriate gestures

  • Acknowledging the presence of a friend/companion with your regular customer. This always works, because you have made the customer feel special in front of someone he/she knows. Again, we all love being valued.

  • Mood analysis based conversation

  • In case of important business related conversations with your suppliers/dealers, in the middle of a business transaction, seeking permission from the customer, and offering him/her assurance that you will return to his transaction in a few minutes. The business owner/representative needs to make a very obvious attempt towards making the customer feel special.

  • Rush hour based interactions ( e.g. if the customer is returning from office, he/she will be in a hurry, keeping the conversation short, while not forgetting to greet and offer freebies will be magical! )

  • Mentioning about quality and then seeking feedback to improve ( again you are making the customer feel important and offering him/her the status of an expert ) 

  • Then the parting smile, with a parting greeting, and a proper parting gesture as endorsed by that culture

Most of these aspects were missing in my second conversation today, but all of them were executed and respected in my first interaction today.

Now, let us come to the modern business model, that is revolutionising marketing and buying tendencies. And these multinational businesses are learning from the shopkeeper from whom I bought my onions and capsicum today. 

Stop laughing, it is true, because multinational companies conduct real time market surveys prior to entering any market or inventing a new selling platform.

And the new platform that is evolving and growing, is the Online Market Place. The virtual bazaar, that is trying to be the real bazaar of the world. 

For this new and still evolving business model, succeeding in its pursuits, it needs to re-adjust and gain a better understanding of how buying patterns of humans evolve in countries, cultures, societies. To achieve this, localisation of marketing is the key element. 

But given the design of the online business models, absolute localisation is proving to be the major hurdle, and they are to some extent still struggling, though they are offering many conveniences, freebies and perks. Yet, they seem to be struggling, because when it comes to localisation, traditional business owners and shopkeepers have an advantage. 

However, there are shopkeepers and traditional business owners who, due to their hackneyed approach to customer service, are allowing the online businesses to lure and retain their customers. And these customers do not wish to visit the alternative shop, where I get my vegetables from, because in beleaguered situations, sometimes customers tend to think “they all are the same.'' Thus they tend to develop and breed this strong belief, mostly due to one person or one bad experience.

It is then that an online shopping app seems to them the right option, because in this case, there is only one expectation, deliver the product and service, that is it! I do not expect anything else, because I know you are just a process based system and not a human being. As this tendency grows, the traditional shopkeepers tend to lose their customers. Rest is a reality we all are well aware of.

“Luckily for traditional business owners, they can adapt instantly, and even if they are not born in these societies or cultures, they can localise faster and better than online platforms. This is why, many people still, go to buy onions, capsicum, from the shopkeeper I visit often, because his localisation is personalised, and when he offers three extra chillies with 5 strands of coriander, many still prefer him, over online platforms that offer a kg worth of onions free, with the online shopping of one kg onion.


Because, the wise and emotionally sensitive individuals know, that when the shopkeeper offers three chilies and few coriander strands, he offers it out of affection, and marketing agenda as well, but the personal interaction with perfect blend of emotions, makes the customer focus more on emotional aspect than on baiting tactic.

But when someone offers you one kg worth of onion free with the purchase of one kg onion, the person tends to think there is some hidden agenda. And, as soon as the offer ends, they return to their usual shopkeeper with a physical address, not their online platform. Because emotion cannot be offered as a bait, it can only be offered as an emotion packed with genuine feelings. And this is what true localisation of marketing is all about. 

Online platforms are struggling when it comes to this. And in many countries, the online customers are actually using them, although for the time being they are assuming that it is they who are using the customer. But that is not true. And when these companies run short of funds, because they tend to generate minimal profit, they close shop or declare bankruptcy.

Moreover, online platforms are not leveraging the potential of smart phones in the right way, they are either overusing it or using it incorrectly.

Let me again share a real life example:

When I went to a different shop to buy other vegetables I overheard this conversation between the shopkeeper and one of his customers.

Shopkeeper : Salam sir! ( Salam is like hello )

Customer : Salam

Shopkeeper : After a long time sir, is everything ok?

Customer : Ah praise the God! All is well, my grandmother who was almost 99 expired last week.

Shopkeeper : Instantly without wasting a second, folds his hands, and offers prayers for her departed soul. The customer, with deep emotion on his face, places his hands on his shoulders and says, “Amen!” 

And then he hugs him.

The shopkeeper has won his heart, and with it, he now can even put his hand inside the customer's pocket and take out the money from his wallet, and the customer will not mind, because he feels deeply connected with him at this moment, and its effect will last for a few weeks. As its influence wanes off, the shopkeeper will have to use other attention grabbing means to keep him happy and interested in his services. While not violating cultural practices. 

Online portals are still struggling to localise and personalise at this level. 

This is marketing happening at both, human and humane level. Brilliant!

When they hugged, the customer withdrew his smartphone from his pocket and flashed it before the shopkeeper.

Customer : I sometimes buy products from this online portal. I like their service and products. But since last week they have bombarded me with promotional messages, and offers. It irritated the hell out of me. How can I even look at them when I am still dealing with the death of a dear one in the family. It has been such a disappointing experience!

The shopkeeper listens to his grievance, consoles him, not by talking about the app, but by offering him a few extra tomatoes ( just two ) and then again says a short prayer for the departed soul of his grandmother. The customer forgets about the app, and both smile and the customer leaves the shop. 

No, no! The customer does not leave, it is a highly satisfied customer who leaves the shop.

According to me it is a good problem for online portals to address and tackle. From online, social media platforms like Facebook, X ( formerly twitter ) Instagram, if the customer had updated anything about the death of grandmother in his daily status. Then the online shopping app, via an API, could easily pull this information from these social media portals. By using well defined keywords it could easily understand that there has been a death in the family of this customer.

With this reliable and data verified information, it could have stopped these promotional notifications, and the app could have entered into passive mode, and if tapped , it would highlight a quote that does not mention death or anything related with condolences. Because by mentioning a keyword related to death directly, the customer would turn skeptical. And focus more on how his online privacy is being compromised. 

On the contrary a quote that is generally reassuring, would be treated as an appropriate emotional filler by this customer.

But in this case, either the customer was not on these social media sites, or even if he was, he did not update daily status at micro level, he just did it at a macro level. A casual user.

And this is where the challenge of online portals lies, when it comes to true localisation with absolute personalisation that is genuine and human like.

There is an option though. These days phones are a necessity, because they offer a lot of ease, and make daily life easier. No doubt about it. But, what if, the customer’s every call was being tracked for business purposes only, to derive marketing based personalised messages, offers exclusively focusing on this customer, by identifying keywords in every call being received or dialed from customer’s number. And via keywords like : Death. The database, dedicatedly developed for this customer, for only marketing purposes, would reset the settings of the online app residing in the customer’s phone, via cached data triggers, cookies etc.

That will be superb, but then this business will be indulging in something called surveillance based marketing. That would be like kissing my girlfriend, and somebody comes and tells me, let me show you how to kiss her better. Really!

You want to be a better kisser, but at what cost? By letting your girlfriend be kissed by someone else. Hnnmmm, that is a tough one, correct! As far as I am concerned, it is something very personal between the two individuals, and they will get better at it as they please. Nobody has to tell him or her how they can be better kissers. Few things are best left to natural instincts, they always kick in based on need and always promote optimum performance.

This is one of the primary struggles of online portals and they have been grappling with it for quite sometime now. But, I think there is always a better way and as we advance in technology, we will put this wonderful device like: smart phone to better use, where the goal will be to improve human bonding and emotional expressions, while not robbing the people of their privacy, and without giving them reasons to fear anything.

Where the customer who was unhappy with the online shopping app, that he used to be a fan of, no more receives promotional messages. But a message that flashes on the screen of his phone and reads as follows:

Mr. X, We value you and your loyalty. Of all earthly music that which reaches farthest into heaven is the beating of a truly loving heart. Thank you for being special to us and meaning so much to our enterprise!”

Simple message!

It does not refer to death, but I am sure, when he reads this, the word “Heaven” will remind him of his grandmother in a good way. And with a smile, he will then open the shopping app, and scroll through it. Maybe he will not buy anything today, but this moment will cast emotional tentacles on him, and he will stay a loyal customer, longer! That is my promise, based on my practical experiences gained in marketing via my interactions with marketing geniuses like the shopkeeper, who always gives his customers a reason to return to him. 

And do you know something, not always to buy, but sometimes, to hear his greeting, then smile, and resume the daily journey of life again. Again after a good pause, where his greeting is a reminder that human values still exist, human emotions still have an incredible impact, and love will always prevail and win. Especially when someday we humans will be pitted against self aware and super intelligent machines.

It reminds me of a wonderful article written by Mr. Bill Gates, where he makes a sincere attempt to understand what it might feel like living and interacting with super intelligent machines in the future. It attempts to gauge the emotional similarities between Klara and Josie. And Klara, being a highly empathetic and sensitive robot offers human-like companionship to Josie who is a young girl and is bedridden due to her medical condition. 

The article written by Mr. Gates

And my equally sincere argument on his wonderfully written article

Where my argument is that, the emotion of the shopkeeper, from whom I bought onions and capsicum, shall always give me a reason to return to him. And for other multiple reasons too:

  • His greetings

  • His 3 chillies ( And here is the truth. I am not a great fan of chilli, but I still accept it from him. Why? That is different psychology, I call it my psychology, “be sensitive and respect others feelings. It is more important than praying everyday. If you have no regard for human sentiments and you pray 24/7, according to me it is like jumping off the plane, thinking, you will land on the cloud, and fly in it like a cupid. Well, that is a dangerous fantasy!”

  • His ability to ask me with a lot of professionalism, and emotional delicacy, “How are you? How is your family? Today it is pleasant and sunny, isn't it?”

  • His secret technique, to still recognise me and others, while his head is lowered and eyes are focusing on the weighing machine. I wonder how he does it. But this in no way means that when I will know this secret, I will no longer visit his shop. I still will, because then I will have to uncover a different secret. How he does it so patiently with everybody, in the mid summer heat?

  • His unique style, to call me from behind, and offer a faint apology, for having forgotten to offer me my freebie, 3 chillies, and a few coriander strands.

  • And finally his parting wish, with a gaze, that is exclusively meant for this customer who is leaving. At this moment, he displays a phenomenal quality which is very rare to possess. He makes you feel, the entire world around both of us does not exist, right now it is his genuine intention to wish you a good day while maintaining a long eye contact that approves of it, then gradually he returns to his other customers, with such eloquence, that they do not feel his absence, and I still carry his presence with me. Human mind and heart at their best.

It is marketing at a different level. Natural, and effortless. Almost like Nadia in the gymnasium of sales and marketing.

And it comes with experience and live interactions only. And my guess is, he is already 60 plus years old, so based on my observations and my little knowledge of marketing, he is qualified to be my Guru, and I shall visit him always, as a humble student in marketing, an apprentice, who only pays for the vegetables, and never for anything else. Because human values and emotions shall never be charged for, then they lose their value. Because, love has no price tag, it is an emotion that is felt and expressed, rest is upto us, what we want to make out of it.

Coming back to the paragraph from this blog post, to which I was meant to refer to, towards the conclusion of this blog post.

“Moreover, in my second conversation, the cultural sensitivity has been murdered completely because the owner of the shop reiterated on the money part twice, although I had already mentioned it in the beginning. And in few cultures this is taken as an offence, whereas in modern cultures, usually in countries that are young, this is not regarded to be a cultural unruliness.”

In a few cultures, barter system based transactions used to be a norm, and the concept of money was introduced at a later stage. And when it comes to the barter system, an individual who offers something to the person or business that needs it, will get something in return, or he/she will have to wait to receive the return item at a mutually agreed time/date. 

Due to this, the cultures that practiced barter system of trade and commerce, it was mostly human emotion and interpersonal relationship that was valued. But with the introduction of money, this changed.

However, few cultures, due to their slow technological growth and less exposure to the outside world, retained a part of their barter trade based emotions, value systems, because they had become a part of their day to day life, and as a result a trait of their DNA as well.

And in these cultures/societies, online shopping apps are offering a great means to facilitate barter system like transactions, because cash transactions are not involved. But, due to the lack of emotion and interpersonal relation building, they eventually fail to penetrate deeper into these markets. For better penetration, it is important to rethink online app development, while keeping these cultural sensitivities in mind. And not ignoring one more fact, how are these apps impacting the mental, social, psychological growth of children in these societies. This aspect cannot be ignored at all.

Smart phones have made human societies more global and more accountable, and these devices have opened endless avenues of trade and commerce, but at the same time, we should not ignore the fact that any technology has its good and bad uses. If we focus on the good uses of smartphones, the customer whose grandmother had passed away, would always have found a reason to open his favourite shopping app, and also found reasons to visit the shopkeeper who prayed for the soul of his grandmother. Perfect coexistence!

This will be the technology that is truly localised.

And it was based on these experiences and these hopes of a grand future that humans will someday share with smart and self aware technology that I wrote my science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075. It is a wonderfully written love story set in 2075, where I have raised few important questions that will be a reality in 2075: 

How will humans experience love in 2075? This science fiction novel navigates through the possibility of men and women falling in love with machines, without knowing they are robots imitating human emotions. Will you still dare to fall in love in 2075 or will you strive to tell the difference between a human lover and a robotic lover?

This Sci-fi novel tells the story of a man who falls in love with a real woman in 2075. And how he struggles to feel human and keep his emotional composition intact.

This Sci-fi story also aims at revealing why the man chose to love a real woman and not a never ageing and always beautiful woman with synthetic feelings. In 2075, this might be a choice we all will have to make. Especially our children!

Based on a study, Emotions play a great role in business negotiations when it comes to people from Southern Europe: Italians, Spaniards, Greeks etc. And in Eastern countries, emotion is the key component of every deal. In Japan and other far Eastern Countries, negotiators are often expert at controlling their own emotions while knowing how to trigger - to their advantage - emotional reactions in you. It is a pure give and take of emotions, apart from remuneration involved in availing the services or buying the product.

Here it is interesting to note, that in contrast to the Southern Europeans, it is the calm and calculating Germans and Scandinavians who are best exponents of logical reasoning in negotiation. When they present a case, say, for an increase in their prices, expect it to be backed by meticulous research, including a detailed breakdown of their costing.

Now, if the argument is, who is right? The simple answer is, In Italy and Spain, their cultural practices are the best. Whereas in Germany , their cultural practices are the most ideal, and localisation should always bear this in mind. 


Because if you as a business are planning to increase price and adopt the German approach and share it with your target customers (Italians or say Indians) , it will do the business more harm than good. Because Italians, Indians and Spaniards are emotional and their cultural values are different. They too would not mind paying extra, but the method to be adopted to explain why and when, has to be what Italians like and are used to. 

Purely German approach, will come to them as a blunt, crass and an insensitive approach, and the business will tend to lose its market share. That is guaranteed. I believe this is one reason German businesses in India have never done exceptionally well. They are too meticulous, detailed, research focused, now that in no way means that we in India are not. We too are, but the way we present and prefer to receive this information is unlike the Germans present it. To us Indians, it will come as a culture shock, almost like, on my grandmother's death, I am being offered a flower bouquet.

In Europe and other Western Countries flower bouquets are a normal cultural practice, when visiting a bereaved family.

But here, it will come as a shock. In India flowers represent happiness, marriage, laughter, Gods, fertility, birth. Not death. ( The dead body is covered in flowers, particular flowers, not any. But offering flower bouquets to bereaved families is unheard of )

Again it is cultural, and based on philosophies people in a country believe in. Let me offer a simple example: 

In Europe and in the West, death is the end, but in India and in many Asian countries, death is a beginning. 

For a marketing genius all these details do matter. Because in the end only that product or service sells, that tells something of that culture, of its people, and projects itself as a part of this culture, where it becomes its growth enhancer, by offering it a global platform of recognition. Did I make it too complicated? Let me use simple vocabulary.

When a brand like Coca Cola uses punch lines and colours that relate to a particular culture, the people of that country feel a sense of pride in buying it, because they feel the brand is humble. Humble because, in spite of being such a huge Global brand, it got down to their emotional and cultural level. One reason brands like them, never need a shopping app. They sell via emotions, not via technology based tools or online shops. Their shop is the entire world and from what I can tell, they are catering to it very well and beating all.

And that is where the entirety of modern psychology of marketing lies.

It is these minute details that businesses need to look into prior to localising for a target market. As of now, I have localised my science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075, to the realities that our future generations may have to face in 2075. And I am sure, once you read it, you will agree with me.

May the best and the right reality always prevail and may all businesses with good intentions do very well!

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