Science Fiction of Facts


Science fiction story based on facts of 2023

It was 01:30 pm. “Hey! Come down for lunch!” 

This is the voice that summoned me to join her in the kitchen and give her company at the buffet of home cooked food. 


Well that might be too fancy a word for lunch at home in a middle class family. The right word therefore cannot be anything but the exact description of what is served. 

Keeping it honest and not disrespecting any human class or social stratification, let me not violate the true characteristic of my class. That I call, class of honesty.

So, here is the so called buffet:

  • Rice
  • Two vegetables
  • Water to drink

But today my lunch was more of a wakeup call, although I had woken up quite early today, around 6:45 am. But, you know what I mean. We all can be awake, but being wakeful and alert is completely a different thing. So at this awakening moment at my lunch, I realised something that I had never experienced before. It was the moment when I woke up into the reality of the moment that I had been witnessing as a daily routine since my childhood. But today at lunch, it decided not to be reticent and lead me into this glorious feeling of realising something that is transformative.

So what was my transformation, or if I have to put it in a better perspective, what did I know that I had been ignoring since childhood?

To answer this, let us go back to the buffet: Rice, water and two vegetables. 

And definitely, if I have to relish my lunch, I need to place these items in something. And it was today I realised, the rice was served in a plastic plate, everything in fact was served in melamine plastic, of highest quality. After lunch, as I washed my hands and returned to my computer, I accessed the news website BBC, and came across one of the breaking headlines that read:

“Ms. Greta Thunberg fined over Swedish climate protest”

And, my lunch and the content of this news was like a quintessential oxymoron that I have ever come across. 

I have never considered myself to be an ombudsman of any sort, because my cause, rather purpose has always been to achieve something grand in terms of scientific fulfilment. But today I realised, with Global Warming and Climate Change being the cause of many people’s deaths, and their displacement, scientific fulfilment cannot be achieved without attaining scientific sensitivity towards everything that matters and contributes to increase in Global Warming and worsening of Climate Change.

And today, I attained this sensitivity while eating my lunch.

My lunch was gaping at me through these melamine plates and bowls and I thought, what a shame and how selfish we have become. Because over the kitchen shelves, lay unused traditional copper plates, copper bowls, copper glasses, copper spoons, copper ladles. Yet I was eating my food in plastic plates and bowls. 

I have always been fascinated by these traditional copper utensils because few of them come with extremely fine carvings of floral patterns which are breathtakingly beautiful. To be honest, it makes a middle class man like me feel, I am the only royalty with an elegant class. Because they are elegant, they have a strong element of design, they are highly durable. And here is the best part, they were either purchased by my great-grandfather or my grandfather; and, using them is like respecting and honouring their souls. 

At least I feel so.

But at the same time, let me also add this, buying copper utensils is expensive and copper mining is not conducive everywhere. Nevertheless, it is still a better choice, because they last for many centuries, as long as one does not choose to clean them with sandpaper. Pun intended. 

You see, sometimes puns are good. Few of us feel it robs the reading experience of its seriousness or it interferes with the continuity of thoughts. But I feel otherwise. A well placed pun actually adds to the meaningfulness and sensibility of the topic, and helps you place it in the unalterable patch of your memory, which always is aware of the topic and its flow.

Anyway, let me come back to the scene.

So what about businesses and enterprises that deal with melamine or plastic products, should they be shut down?

Ah no, not at all!

Because these business owners and the workforce they employ too have families, they too have their struggles of life, they too want to be in a certain class of life, like all of us. The alternative is never closure or complete ban. That is not how economies or businesses in democratic setup should work. Instead, they should be offered solutions to switch to eco friendly alternatives which are achievable within the ecosystem of their production line.  

There are many companies that are heavily invested in biodegradable plastic, although at present it is expensive. 

But for a family or a couple, these investments ( investing in kitchen ware, home decor etc. ) are lifelong investments and they do not mind spending on quality. With the awareness that quality does not come cheap. Moreover, a kitchen is very special when it comes to this. Because a kitchen reflects the taste and love of a couple. According to me an unkempt and mismanaged kitchen is a sign that the couple only coexists without strong and passionate feelings of togetherness and love. Whereas a well managed kitchen, is a bold expression of their love and intimacy as a couple.

A kitchen that belongs to a couple passionately in love, always reflects their aesthetics and showcases their moments of togetherness, their moments of kisses, their moments of silly quarrels, that pass like the Summer wind. 

And somehow, today after I ate my lunch I arrived at the conclusion that couples, for that matter even singles, should make every decision in light of the current political, environmental and economic scenarios plaguing our world. That for me shall be an ideal couple of 2023. Almost effortlessly this couple enters into an agreement that they will do whatever possible to protect the Earth and its ecosystem, and hand over a healthy Earth to their future generations. 

Moreover, today at this moment, I also realised something else, when I read the article pertaining to Ms. Greta Thunberg who had been fined over the Swedish climate protest. 

One of the sentences in the article read: 

Climate activists have targeted the fossil fuels industry. Much of the oil and gas industry says that continued production is necessary in order to meet global energy demands.”

Here the word “targeted” immediately caught my attention. And it is true, let us accept it. Many companies that specialise in fossil fuel processing or production are being targeted globally. 

But let us not forget that it was the world demand and need for fossil fuel in the 18th and 19th, and even 20th century that gave birth to these companies, and we as a society of humans owe a lot to them when it comes to our progress, in whatever field it may be. Fossil fuels have played a pivotal role. 

But now, all that is being forced into oblivion of no recognition and discredit; that too for no deliberate fault of theirs. And let us not forget millions of people whose families are supported by this industry. This too is a situation like using plastic plates and not copper plates, but for some reason we are treating it very differently.

It would be a political blunder at Global scale if these fossil fuel based companies and the fuel that ushered humanity into the age of advanced science is forgotten completely, with total disregard for its immense contribution to making us an advanced species. It will disrupt many economies and it may even create new political blocks that will threaten the most important ingredient of progress, “PEACE!” Are we willing to sacrifice that?

For companies specialising in fossil fuel production and processing, it is important to allow them time to evolve technologies where they can now focus on generating hydrogen based fuel, nuclear fuel, renewable energy based fuels and many alternatives that compliment the technological side of their business ecosystem. If we fail them now, we shall be acting penny wise and pound foolish. Because then they are being penalised for a fault where everyone of us is equally responsible.

Perhaps that is where the greatness of climate activist Ms. Greta Thunberg lies. She has during her speeches referred to such solutions. And I agree with her 100%, because that is the only way forward. What amazes me about her, is her sheer grit and her ability to generate mass attention, it is phenomenal. And with this quality she is a wonder girl in her own rights and I wish her all the best in all her noble pursuits, which have just one aim, save Earth and prevent humanity from committing suicide.

Many countries in the EU have decided to phase out fossil fuel based automobiles by 2050, and this gives fossil fuel production and processing companies a window of more than 2 decades to reinvent and invest in cleaner alternatives of fuel. Let us be honest, I have studied a little bit of chemistry myself too. It is a well known fact that every form of combustion leads to pollution. Every!

Now, when a fossil fuel based engine generates thrust, it consumes fuel, which in turn reacts and leads to residues in the form of CO2 and other gases. It is easy to separate oxygen from carbon when it passes through the exhaust pipe. Now please do not tell me it is not. It is possible and not that complicated. We all know that.

But for some reason, the fossil fuel production and processing companies have been made to enter the political firing range, and they are being fired at indiscriminately, without even offering them some time to think and reinvent. 

Bullish approach is good in business, but ruthless approach only leads to long term losses, because it leads to something I call “Economic Grudges” and if we look at the past, “Economic Grudges” have only led to destruction and its sole victim, almost always has been, “PEACE.” 

Best science and advancement happens only when there is peace. Please let us remember that and give peace the chance it deserves.

And let us put an end to restraining a selfless activist like Ms. Greta Thunberg, and hear her voice, because she does not represent a country, she represents humanity. The Hope of Earth. By restraining her, we are strangulating our chance of spreading awareness about the bad and devastating effects of Global warming and Climate Change. It is real, it is happening and we are the victims. We always have been, but as is with us, humans, we spring into action only when a situation has reached its crisis state. And it is through brave and cause driven individuals like Ms. Greta Thunberg that humanity is offered a chance to rescue itself from the obvious threat of extinction.

Like I said, I am a middle class man, eating food in plastic plates, my say does not matter. But when it comes to matters like these, voicing one's opinion is like praying. You just keep praying, and let the Divine force decide the rest. And here I have an advantage, I am highlighting the right cause before people who matter and are neither invisible nor unknown, it is just that sometimes we all need a slight prodding or a pinch, to realise the gravity of the situation.

While Ms. Greta Thunberg due to her single mindedness, focus, and dedication, has evolved into a climate activist who knows when and how to pinch. Though at times she herself tends to suffer a lot from this selfless act. Without drawing any comparisons, I do admit I am just learning, and I still need moments of realisation. Almost like today, my lunch. But one has to keep on trying and when it comes to this, one cannot quit.

I still believe fossil fuel based companies have every right to be given time to reinvent and invest in greener fuels. Now imagine a situation where all fossil fuel based economies say no, or boycott adoption of policies that expect them to use vehicles and machinery run on new sources of energy. 

Then where do we land and who will be the victim? 

Yes, you judged me better this time . Better than my menu at lunch today. "It is PEACE that will suffer."

It will only lead to total disruption of Global markets, because it is a huge industry. The brands mentioned below should give you an idea about the sheer scale of this fossil fuel based industry:

Ferrari, BMW, AUDI, Mercedes, Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier, Shell, ADNOC, Chevron, Aramco.

These companies employ millions of people, thus millions of families depend on them for their livelihood.  If they go bust, the world will be plunged into the dark ages. Sort of.

Again, let me reiterate, it shall be so due to “Economic Grudge!” 

Anger works in a bullish way, but grudge works like a parasite, gradually destroying its host completely. By working together and helping countries find the right solutions, is the only right political approach, otherwise we will only be feeding the “Economic Grudge!” And if we fail this time, we shall be met with a fate similar to what was depicted in the famous science fiction novel, “DUNE.”

One reason why I love reading science fiction novels. That is, when I am not eating lunch. Once again pun intended. 

Because they predict the future so well. A sensible reader is always able to apply this wisdom in the present to avoid conflicts and situations that otherwise could lead to catastrophes.

And when it comes to business giants like: Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Space X, IBM, Apple etc. these companies should be taken as perfect case studies by business owners worldwide. For one simple reason, they keep inventing, they keep thinking, they keep challenging the old with the new possibilities, and most important of all, they are developing technologies which are eco friendly and take into consideration issues like Global Warming and Climate Change.

  1. Microsoft is heavily invested in Biomedicine, Future Farming, Green Energy
  2. Google too has invested largely in medicine and healthcare
  3. Amazon from being an e-commerce website is flying rockets
  4. Space X, well they have the X factor, so it is obvious
  5. IBM is a business player that likes playing it cool without any exposure to flashlights or limelight. They are developing and defining the future of Quantum Computers, and Google, which is relentless in its innovative thinking, has already claimed Quantum Supremacy. 

So, when you are in business, there is only one constant. Relentless and dogged innovation and spirit to keep reinventing and surprising the competitors.  Unfortunately when it comes to this, it is a fact that fossil fuel based companies somehow failed to look beyond their short term gains. This cannot be denied. But that does not mean they should be handed over to the hangman of economies for this total oversight.

“Total oversight,” because few of the fossil fuel based companies had market valuation that surpassed the combined value of companies like Apple, Google and IBM. But they, for whatever reason, were unable to reinvent and invest money in innovation and business transformation.

 In India we have a saying that goes something like this, “An oversight of a moment, can make you pay the price for centuries to come!” And these fossil fuel based companies certainly do not deserve any synonymity with this saying. They need to learn from their mistakes, and they should be given a fair business chance to evolve and reinvent.

And Ms. Greta Thunberg, is an activist who speaks for Climate Change, but she also indirectly and directly sometimes, does refer to Economic Grudge and its ill impact on societies. Though she uses a much refined vocabulary compared to mine; and all fossil fuel based companies should laud her for these efforts. Especially for being brave, that too when you are up against giants. Everyone of us cannot be David. 


So, if she is helping the world to realise the major problems faced by humanity in the form of Climate Change, let us give her the chance she deserves. Only then can we avoid political and economic situations similar to the ones discussed in science fiction novel, DUNE. Where the main cause of grudge was the famed drug Melange.

And in 2023, it is plastic, toxic chemicals, noxious pesticides, non renewable sources of energy and many other pollutants that are worsening Global Warming and fuelling climate change at a rate that will turn the world into a baking oven by 2050. So all of us deserve a chance, and it is time we did not treat Climate change as if it were a  science fiction based idea that had no relevance in the present i.e. 2023. It is real and happening right before us and we are reticent about it. This is what alleviates the seriousness of these issues, and if we are to avert doomsday-like situation, we need to act now, and soon!

And it is to voice this protest and echo the words of Ms. Greta Thunberg, that I wrote my science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075. Which deals with similar topics and issues. But via  a story filled with romance and a lot of emotion. 

It also raises some important questions that will be a reality in 2075. And these questions, if not more serious than Global Warming and Climate Change, are equally important, and if ignored they have the potential to transform human civilisation at emotional and social level. And that shall be devastating!

Wondering what serious question a science fiction novel is capable of raising. Quite serious ones actually, that directly involve your children, grand children and future generations of human species.

​​How will humans experience love in 2075? This science fiction novel navigates through the possibility of men and women falling in love with machines, without knowing they are robots imitating human emotions. Will you still dare to fall in love in 2075 or will you strive to tell the difference between a human lover and a robotic lover?

This Sci-fi novel tells the story of a man who falls in love with a real woman in 2075. And how he struggles to feel human and keep his emotional composition intact.

This Sci-fi story also aims at revealing why the man chose to love a real woman and not a never ageing and always beautiful woman with synthetic feelings. In 2075, this might be a choice we all will have to make. Especially our children!

And if these questions are unaddressed, then it will be the oversight of these IT Giants like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon, IBM and many others, that will be nothing different from the one for which fossil fuel based companies are paying a heavy price. 

The threat of AI’s interference with human emotions, psychology and ability to transform the dynamics of social relationships is far more dangerous than we can fathom. And if these IT giants delay action to address these questions then they will be directly responsible for making humanity synonymous with the Indian saying I referred to above. “An oversight of a moment, can make you pay the price for centuries to come!”

The risks are higher, the stakes are lofty, and when the castle crumbles, it will devour a substantial part of the social, cultural, psychological makeup of humanity. And then if you are reading this post in 2075, it may mean nothing, because you will have become emotionally numb. And it will be like the dialogue from the Terminator movie, where the machine ( Arnold ) in the ending scene says something quite touching, “Perhaps I know now why you humans cry!” 

Most of our advancements have been a means to augment our weaknesses. And it is a fact. We could not run faster, we tamed horses. We could not fly like birds, we developed aeroplanes. But now, we are dealing with a weakness of different kind. We want to invent ways to master time & derive more from every nano second of our lives. Darwin, who introduced the concepts: natural selection & evolution, maybe worried in the Heaven. I believe we are ushering into an age, where our natural selection will be decided by technologies like AI & ML. I think most of us are ignoring this aspect. Because Darwin clearly mentions human evolution depends on external influencers. AI/ML are very unique in this regard. They shall form our external ecosystem & even embed an artificial layer in our neural activity. Then, in midst of these factors how will humanity evolve, is a maze of evolutionary possibilities. We better be sure about it. Lest we are doomed!

I am sure you will enjoy reading this article from the New York Times, titled: Our Oppenheimer Moment: The Creation of A.I. Weapons

Let us give love and good Earth the chance they deserve!

As for now, let me replace the plastic plates with the copper plates from my grandfather. I guess I should not forget to mention my grandmother here. Because these copper utensils bear the reflections of their love and their union as a couple. 

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