Best selling science fiction books. Their promise


Best selling science fiction books. Their promise

Predictable and not at all predictable. 

This is how I categorise #scifibooks. If anything becomes predictable it no more excites us, but when it is unpredictable it fills us with a deep sense of longing, a feeling of wait, where we are very keen to know what next and how the plot or situation will develop further.

Perhaps that is why seasons are predictable but what each season will beget is not predictable at all. Because there is nothing like obsidian of seasons, where each day of every season is cast in a predictable mould of moments of time. It is this fact that makes life exciting and very inviting as well.

But everything in life should not be unpredictable. For example one's career, one's love life or married life, these parts of life need to be predictable. Including many other things. However, when it comes to the #scifi books, being predictable would ruin their appeal and no scifi reader would feel motivated to read them. It is the unpredictable element of best selling scifi books that makes them so successful.

And this is also one of the many reasons many #scifibooks fail to become the best selling scifi books. Because they are very predictable. None of the scifi readers wants to read a scifi book that reveals the entire story when he/she has not even finished reading the 15th or 20th page. 

Scifi readers are romantics by nature, they prefer a longer courtship with the plot of the scifi story, where one excitement leads to another, and every new curiosity reveals a new secret, and as these ripples of excitement and curiosity develop into many sequences curious excitements, the #scifi reader begins to enjoy this courtship with the scifi book. And by the time he/she is on the last page of the scifi book, the scifi reader feels sufficiently rewarded as the scifi lover. Whose romance with the scifi story led him to experiencing the passionate kiss of the science fiction.

All scifi books do not offer this excitement to the scifi readers, because they fail to develop a sensible and rewarding courtship with these scifi readers.

What goes wrong with these #scifi books that the scifi reader does not feel like entering into a courtship with their plots?

The answer to this question is both simple and a bit complicated too.

I believe an ordinary fact should be expressed in equally ordinary and easy to comprehend terms or words. But few scifi authors indulge in so much unnecessary adulation and exaggeration that they spend 80% of their vocabulary on proving that the ordinary fact is actually extraordinary. Whereas it should not be so. 

They should not spend any energy on painting the ordinary as extraordinary. Rather emphasise on the fact that the real and bigger fact that this scifi book aims to reveal is revolutionary and worth interacting with these ordinary and simple facts. Because the grand fact that the scifi book is about to reveal happens to be a mega compilation of many ordinary and simple facts. 

Then in the grand plot of the #scifi book, the author should use incremental stacking when it comes to the placement of these ordinary/simple facts, until they give rise to that grand fact; where the scifi reader feels excited to reach. So excited that he/she would do anything to get there, and know everything about it. The scifi reader feels so because the well planned sequencing of these simple and ordinary facts were able to develop into a dynamite of excitement that the scifi reader wants to deal with in its absolute climax- He/she desperately wants to feel this explosion of excitement within him/her!

And when the scifi reader feels he/she is almost there. The scifi author should use his/her best vocabulary to explain this extraordinary fact; around which he/she has created a web of simple and ordinary facts. 

If the scifi author can achieve this, the scifi reader would feel motivated to develop a romantic relationship with the scifi book. With time it will grow so strong, that he/she would dream about it day and night, because he/she would not only be wondering and thinking about one thing. “How exciting will this extraordinary fact be and what a grand explosion of scifi excitement it shall be!”

But if the scifi author uses most of his/her talent painting ordinary facts as extraordinary facts, the scifi readers will lose their interest in the scifi book because he/she would begin to think that the existence of the grand fact is a myth. At this point the scifi book will become a victim of its own bluff. 

It is this lack of judgement on the part of few scifi authors that prevents their scifi books from becoming the best selling #scifibooks. And those who use ordinary language to express ordinary facts, know how to hand hold the scifi reader into this courtship, where he/she is led from one ordinary fact to another. Where every fact is interlinked, but each fact offers a new clue about the grand fact  that the scifi book is about. And these clues about the grand and revolutionary fact, act like promises or reminders, convincing the scifi reader to keep on reading the scifi book, until he/she has not come across the promised grand fact, which is always waiting to be discovered by the serious and genuine scifi readers on the last pages of the best selling scifi books. 

And the scifi reader cannot experience this excitement if he/she directly reads the last parts of the scifi book and omits the rest of the parts. And here too, the scifi author has to be witty. And the best selling authors know how to do it with perfection! They never let the scifi reader experience any part of the grand excitement if they attempt to read the ending of the scifi book, without reading every page of it.

These scifi authors take a step by step approach when it comes to romanticising with the excitement of the #scifi reader, who is keen to uncover that grand thought, that moment of scifi kiss. And for it they will go to any extent. And in case of the best selling #scifibooks, this extent usually happens to be the range of all pages comprising the scifi book i.e. from first page to last page.

Only few scifi authors manage to offer enough motivation to the scifi readers who would do anything to complete the scifi book and experience its scifi kiss. 

And what is this motivation that forces them to enter into this courtship with the scifi book?

Motivating factors differ for all of us, when it comes to the same or different aspects of our lives. But when it is about reading a scifi book the motivating factor is almost the same for all of us.

But prior to explaining what motivates scifi readers to read a scifi book, it would make sense to know about the motive that the scifi readers have behind their courtship with the scifi book. And the motive is plain and very ordinary. Excitement!

Scifi books offer too much excitement because it is unlike any other fiction. It is fiction based on science that imagines a world or a technological possibility that no one else has thought about yet. It is new, it is pioneering, it is bold, it is adventurous, it is thrilling, it is unafraid and a lot more. All these attributes make scifi books exciting to interact with. Ok, now we know the motive- The excitement that scifi readers seek from scifi books!

What about the motivation?

Now that we know the motive of the scifi reader is to seek excitement. The scifi author’s motivation can be explained in one simple line.

“How does the scifi author promise this excitement to the scifi reader?” Simple and complex too. I know, but this is how it is!

It is this promise of excitement and how it is made or presented via the scifi book, that the scifi reader will either feel motivated to read the scifi book, so that he/she gains access to the excitement he/she is seeking. Or, the scifi reader will realise after a few pages that he/she is being offered no promise of scifi excitement that he/she is pursuing via the scifi book. And it will demotivate him/her, eventually becoming his/her cause to defect the author’s scifi world.

This is about motivation that the scifi author needs to generate via the promise of excitement that the scifi readers desire to achieve via the scifi book.

But, how and when should a scifi author refer to this promise?

This part is very critical, and if taken care of with attention to detail, the scifi book will be a best selling scifi book.

Promise. They say, he/she who is most slow in making a promise is the most faithful in its performance. Well that is very true when it comes to real life scenarios and when it comes to human relationships.

But it is not exactly the case when it comes to the relationship between the #scifi author who is absent, and only passively present in the relationship that he/she shares with the scifi readers. Via his/her book. The scifi book is his/her avatar that the scifi readers expect to act as if he/she were live in front of them as they read the scifi book.

Due to this paradox. The scifi author needs to offer the promise of final scifi excitement that the scifi readers wish to derive from every scifi book, in the very beginning of the scifi book. And then via each page build upon this promise and make the scifi readers feel they are getting closer to the fulfilment of this promise.

This answers the when part of the motivation that the scifi author needs to offer to all his/her scifi readers.

Now let us come to the how part.

Every scifi story is based on a plot with a scientific concept/idea being central to this plot. And revealing this plot in the initial pages of the scifi book will be impossible to achieve. But, it is for the sake of knowing this novel idea/concept that the scifi readers are reading the scifi book. 

Therefore, the scifi author has to create a few instances whereby he/she reveals a part of the concept without making the scifi reader feel ignorant. The concept should appear grander and exciting, but at the same time, it should convince the scifi reader that he/she already knows a little bit about it. And then surprise him/her by revealing a part of the idea/concept that none of the scifi readers knows nothing about. And this is what will get them motivated to know more about it. Not because they feel challenged, but only due to one reason. They feel proud they know about it already and want to confirm what is this new element or new dimension of the idea that the scifi author knows that they do not know yet. The scifi readers at this stage are entering into a competition with the author’s imagination based on their conviction that their creative imagination is at par with that of the scifi author. When this happens, the scifi author has won. And he/she is already a part of the best selling scifi book.

It has a magical impact on the scifi readers, because they board the train of scifi author’s thoughts; and onboard this train, they feel satisfied that it will lead them to the final destination called, “Scifi Excitement!”

And this is how a scifi author can motivate the scifi readers to keep interacting with his/her scifi book as long as they have not read its last page. 

With their need for scifi excitement fulfilled, every scifi reader will now claim that it is truly a best selling scifi book. And the scifi author could not have asked for more.

If you are seeking the ultimate scifi excitement with the bonus of scifi kiss, then you must discover the scifi book titled, They Loved in 2075. It is a romance scifi book of a different kind. Where a boy courts a beautiful girl, but due to her excessive interaction with self aware machines, she is unable to emote like humans. And thus begins the boy’s own journey to seek his excitement and his kiss from someone who does not feel 100% human.

While the boy tries everything possible to woo her, the world witnesses an unforeseen clash between humans and self aware machines. Where the world has got divided into three clans. One of the clans that uses quantum level processors and is highly advanced, wants to control the entire planet, including other two clans as well. 

But the other two clans launch an attack, and the world is caught in a war unlike any other war. 

And in case of this #scifi book the excitement lies in knowing who wins!

  • The boy and the girl?
  • One of the clans?
  • Self aware machines?
  • Or does the world end, and with it ends everything: the boy, the girl, the clans and the machines too?

There are many possibilities. To know what exactly happens, please discover the scifi book, They Loved in 2075.

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