Best selling science fiction books. The secret sensation


Best selling science fiction books. The secret sensation

A scifi reader feels invigorated and he/she feels being injected with a stream of excitement boosters, that lift his/her knowledge seeking spirit to the summit of science fiction related sensation. Yes, that is correct. Reading #scifibooks, to be exact reading in itslef is an experience, but one cannot deny it is a sensation as well. Because it makes you believe in the unreal realities with so much creative certainty that you get teleported into this world of surprises animated around you by the scifi author’s rich imagination. 

As you begin to interact with this unreal world, you are actually experiencing real sensations of excitement. Because the scifibook’s content entertains the real reader inside you. And after a while this reader enters the state of trance where he/she only believes in the realities created by the #scifibook.

At this point, this reader who is a part of you, now belongs to the scifi author’s domain of authority that he/she asserts with an absolute statesmanship like confidence. That even in his/her absence steadfastly manifests itself via the mastery that he/she possesses over his/her craft of writing #scifibooks. And there are a few #scifibooks that always get recognised for possessing this level of literary maturity. It is this ultimate story telling refinement that makes the scifi reader believe that the unreal realities are actually real. 

Thus these scifibooks also take the credit of shortening the chasm between fictitious reality that is written to make scientific reality sound more fascinating. But attempting to scale this level of literary height can prove to be hazardous for the scifi author’s reputation. Nevertheless, the most experienced #scifi authors know how to convert such moments in their #scifibooks into opportunities that the scifi readers find too irresistible.

And when it comes to my personal choice of #scifibooks that belong to this category, I only, and mostly include the following #scifibooks in this list:

  • Frankenstein

  • Dune

  • Invisible man

  • Time machine

  • Star wars

These #scifibooks have everything to make the scifi reader feel the excitement boosters as a sensation that engulfs them inside out. With such profoundness that the most devout #scifi readers treat these masterpieces of #scifibooks as wonders in the scifi genre. It is so despite the fact that these scifibooks have been written many decades ago. Just to give you an idea about what I mean by many decades ago, Frankenstein was written somewhere in the year 1818. And to this day most of the #scifi readers find its main scientific idea highly relevant with our times. And it still makes them feel the deepest sensation of excitement associated with the most powerfully written #scifibooks.

And it is for this reason these #scifibooks never become part of scifi reader’s auto initiated scrappage mechanism. 

Scrappage is a part of every #scifi reader’s memory stacking order followed by his/her mind. Where sensations derived from different experiences of life, reading being one of them, get associated with each memory. And each sensation is marked by intensity gradients that often move between two poles: Pain or Joy. 

And when it comes to reading #scifibooks, if the scifi reader feels the pain of the scifi character, the scifi reader gets to experience true joy of reading a #scifibook while not staying alien to the pain and agony experienced by the scifi character. And if the scifi reader experiences the joy felt by the scifi character, the scifi reader feels ecstatic. And if these sensations created by these experiences of reading #scifibooks get associated with few memories; then these memories never become a part of #scifi reader’s scrappage mechanism. Because every time he/she stores a new memory, these memories marked by very strong sensations always get reassigned to top stacking memory layers. Only for one reason, to access them anytime whenever the scifi reader wants to feel that scifi excitement.

What is the secret ingredient in these #scifibooks that helps them create such powerful sensations among scifi readers? So powerful that they always stack the memories associated with them in very specific regions of their minds. Regions to which they do not apply any sort of scrappage mechanism.

The answer is both simple and complicated as well. To uncomplicate it further let me express it in the simplest way possible. At least I will try to keep it as simple as possible.

A scifi reader is a human being and not a machine. And all human beings react to emotions, any emotion for that matter. But the intensity of these emotions can be lost if they are not expressed in the right way. 

It is like a news anchor making an announcement about an earthquake that led to many casualties. But if the news anchor does not show the right emotions, the news that is about the grimmest form of tragedy may come across as someone’s marriage party announcement. And when that happens, the news will lose its impact, although the information will be absorbed by the viewers/listeners. But it will suffer from a strong emotional deficit.

And that is where #scifibooks like: Frankenstein and others leave an indelible mark on the scifi readers’ minds. They express emotional moments with such seriousness and sensitivity that the scifi readers feel the reality in these emotions. And when that happens they become deeply trenched in these moments of emotions created by these epic #scifibooks. And it is these emotional moments that generate strong sensations that scifi readers associate with memories that never undergo any scrappage regime initiated by the #scifi reader’s over burdened mind i.e. when a scifi reader has read too many #scifibooks, he/she is required to initiate the redundancy and scrappage process.

It works like your personal computer, where you have stored thousands of files over many years, and it is negatively impacting the performance of your computer. So, in order to free up some space you retain a few files and you delete a few. But why did you delete a few of the files? Because they carried less important information. Information that had become redundant and was of no use to you now. And when it comes to scifi readers, who due to their tendency to read many scifi books keep adding many, and new layers to their memory stack. Until there arrives a point, when their memory feels burdened, and it is then the scifi readers apply scrappage mechanism.

Here, let us consider an example for the simplicity's sake.

Excerpt from Frankenstein:

“My courage and my resolution is firm; but my hopes fluctuate, and my spirits are often depressed. I am about to proceed on a long and difficult voyage, the emergencies of which will demand all my fortitude: I am required not only to raise the spirits of others, but sometimes to sustain my own, when theirs are failing.”

Please evaluate the depth of this paragraph and please notice the use of words and the sequential relay of interdependent meanings. Here is what I mean:

When hopes fluctuate it is obvious one's spirit will feel depressed. But inspite of this emotional situation, the author counterbalances the counteracting emotions by beginning the paragraph where she says, “My courage and my resolution is firm.” Now there is nothing like this in the literary world, that is so perfectly balanced in terms of emotional sensitivity. With great simplicity, but with highest literary refinement the author highlights the struggle taking place between the mind, heart and ethics of the person involved. It is simply remarkable and highly refined form of literature arising from scifi genre. A genre that many consider not to be literature at all. But the balanced use of words and lines in these paragraphs proves all of them wrong. ( That is my opinion and nobody should take it personally. I feel so, the rest of the world is free to make anything from this paragraph. What matters is the act of smelling the rose, whether you smell it while holding it with your naked hands or with hands wearing gloves, that does not matter at all. Because the rose would smell the same anyway. Similarly, reality can never be changed or altered no matter how we look at it!)

I believe it will take a book to explain the emotional depth of this paragraph, because it leads to infinite sensational territories and makes me think of the intense dilemma faced by this person.

Now let us look at this part of the same paragraph:

“I am required not only to raise the spirits of others, but sometimes to sustain my own, when theirs are failing.”

It is like pulling a bucket of water from a deep well, where somehow the force of gravity happens to triple. Can you imagine the energy it will require to pull the bucket of water until you can drink from it. A tremendous effort!

And this sentence shows a similar struggle faced by this person, where this person can only sustain his/her spirit if he/she does not let others lose the hope in their own spirits. And it is a very rare emotional situation where it seems a dying man has to help a dying few. But how is that possible? I will let you think about its possibilities.

And as far as the author of this #scifibook is concerned this is where the true brilliance of this scifi author lies. Creating emotional roller coasters that take the reader on a journey of true human emotions and leaves him/her fully soaked in sensations that get associated with his/her most powerful memories. Memories that will never suffer from any scrappage attempt made by this #scifi readers mind. I hope this explains how scifi authors can create moments of high sensations that when associated with memories, renders these memories immune to any scrappage attempt undertaken by the scifi reader’s mind.

There is a #scifibook that offers similar experience of intense sensations. That you as a #scifi reader are bound to come across at endless occasions in this #scifibook titled: They Loved in 2075.

Moreover, it is a romance scifi and that too set in 2075, when humans will not be able to emote because they will be interacting with self aware machines which would have erased their ability to emote like humans.

Now that is a powerful sensation to deal with. “Humanity without human emotions.” Oh, there cannot be anything more grim. To know how grim it gets, both emotionally and technologically, please read the #scifibook, titled: They Loved in 2075.

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