Best selling science fiction books. Beyond the reality


Best selling science fiction books. Beyond the reality

As the majestic pendulum of time tick-tocks between reality and fiction, there is only one world that is able to capture every oscillation of this pendulum of time. The world of science fiction. Because there is science and there is fiction too. But when it comes to scifi there is one factor that defines these oscillating movements between reality and fiction, that being the capability of the scifi author to spread his/her imagination between these two poles. Poles that define everything throughout the universe. And how he/she defines the extent of this universe goes to decide the fate of the #scifibook and the impact it will leave on his/her readers. Who would weigh its every oscillation based on their assumptions and knowledge of reality; and their belief in fiction, which always grows stronger and reaches the farthest point, if the scifi reader’s own knowledge of reality is founded on the fundamental precepts that define everything about reality, including imaginary realities that exist throughout the universe. 

But our limited access to these realities forces us to make a compromise. The compromise I call, shortened or altered oscillations that we self induce.  Thus creating an anomalous cycle of oscillations in this pendulum of time, that always tick-tocks between reality and fiction. However due to the self induced factor of error we now tend to witness incorrect values of reality, which handicaps our ability to imagine, that further numbs all our facilities responsible for manufacturing the wonders of fiction.

Nevertheless, there are a few scifi books, where authors exercise absolute authority when it comes to applying well thought restraint to avoid using  glib statements. As a result of this mastery over their thoughts, their imagination creates brilliant masterpieces of science fiction. Which can be treated as quintessential specimens of fiction incubated in the womb of reality. Because for these authors the pendulum of time oscillates between reality and fiction without any error.  And as a best selling scifi book is born it is parented by two entities:

1- By the genetic parent i.e. the author of the scifi book. Because it is his/her knowledge and perceptions of reality and limits of imagination that actually feed the overall brilliance of the scifbook and become its enablers of maturity.

2- By the foster parent i.e. the latent pedagogic values added by the scifi author that get highlighted in the scifibook. Because eventually the scifi author is not merely interested in promoting his/her imagination to the scifi readers. The scifi author also wants to be a subtle instructor who directs our hopes towards the star of knowledge that will guide us into believing one important fact. That reality is always preexisted by imagination. Maybe that is why, many of us believe, that the universe is actually someone’s imagination, because this force existed even when nothing existed. And when this force imagined, then it gathered all realities that would transport this grand imagination into the scientific reality. A reality that would have a physical presence and existence as well. And the proof of this is right in front of us; the universe. A well written and brilliantly thought scifi book always refers to this fostering parenting side, but it is upto the scifi readers to recognise this role of the scifi book, and then allow their imagination to be parented by it. Only then can they witness the complete wonder of the scifi book!

Given the vastness of the universe and our limited knowledge of this universe, it will be right to say that the universe is the pedagogical institution of logic that was created by this supreme force. With the purpose of revealing to us the power of imagination. Imagination that can always be achieved in reality too. Provided we are willing to let it act as our foster parent. But most of us are so focused on the genetic parenting side of the scifi book, that we distance ourselves from the foster parenting angle of the scifi book. Consequential to this negligence or should I say ignorance, we fail to comprehend the true wonder of the #scifibook. Because without letting the foster parenting aspect of the #scifibook to feed our imagination it is impossible to ascertain the scifi wonder in its culmination.

Thank God there are best selling scifi books that make a sincere effort to introduce us to this instinct. Present is in all of us, and designed to recognise this foster parent. With whose aid we can unlock the mysteries of all realms that exist in the universe. 

This is where a few scifi readers need to be appreciated for their unaffiliated and selfless pursuit of realities which still lie undiscovered and hidden. Given that they have no strict affiliations when it comes to seeking wisdom, they are able to let the best selling scifi books achieve their dual role. That of being the genetic parent of imagination and the foster parent of scifi readers’ imagination, capacitating the human mind to see past the limit of known realities.

Because how far we can see with our naked eyes or with eyes aided with vision enhancing apparatus, is certainly the known limit and known universe of the reality that exists for us. But does that mean the worlds and universes that exist beyond this limit, our limit, are unreal and they do not exist at all; just because we cannot see them?

No, it is not so!

That is why best selling scifi books are an amazing tool to lend a longer range to our limited vision of reality; and when scifi readers allow the scifi book to act as their pedagogic means to understand this new reality, they let the foster parent side of the scifi book to nurture and feed their limits of known reality. And when anything is well fed, it grows and matures.

And the best scifi books facilitate the maturity of the human mind. They invigorate it to see beyond the boundaries of known reality. Also because they help the scifi reader realise that reality becomes limitless with the addition of exponential value of infinity. Which becomes possible by taking timely and frequent dips in the ocean of imagination under the supervision of this foster parent. 

Please be warned, imagination can be misleading too. And here too best selling scifi books come to our rescue. They help us avoid getting caught in the abominable circle of imagination where reality is not a point that one can touch. By offering us different and well thought streaks of imagination, they place the scifi reader’s imagination on circles of imagination with definite points of reality that can be touched and reached with scientific reasoning and logic. That is what makes them so special.

There are a few #scifibooks that talk about immortality, many talk about utopian planets, a few talk about beings who have achieved genetic perfections, many #scifibooks amaze us the way these books make us believe that planets where life can exist, exist throughout the cosmos. But the way we detect habitable planets should be altered and changed if we are to find them all. And they certainly can be found, because they are there.

We, all humans and for that matter all beings as well, live for a certain time and finally we die. Now talking about immortality would be like being looked upon as a clown who thinks too much and too unrealistically. To the extent that few people misassume things about him/her. If he/she says that humans can develop fish like underwater adaptations, many of his/her envious critics promote his/her thought as he/she trying to build a car for a fish to travel better in water. Now why should a fish need a car? And no #scifibook ever promotes anything as trivial as this. But the critics of scifi and mostly the envious critics of the scifi authors, promote their brilliant ideas as if they were trying to popularise the concept of developing cars for fish to travel better in water. Come on!

That is why I specified above, that imagination existed when reality did not exist. And the present reality is nothing, but an extension of that original imagination. But it was so grand that it had to be pondered upon for billions of years. And it still amazes us because there are parts of the universe where it is still assuming its forms of reality. Realms so distant and so complex that we cannot even imagine about them.

But if we study all scriptures and study human biology, immortality is achievable. Just because we are used to mortality as the reality, does not mean immortality as a reality does not exist. Best selling scifi books help us realise this new limit of reality.

A utopian planet where all are happy, everyone has what he/she needs and everyone’s desires are fulfilled. Is it possible? Very much possible! We all have our own theories about why Adam and Eve were cast out. But my theory is different.

They were cast out because they disturbed the balance on that utopian planet. Perhaps they had developed a genetic anomaly that could alter the utopian foundation of that planet, therefore they were cast out. Until their gene pool could reach a state where it could match that of the utopian world. But now the question is, what would that genetic sequence be like that would make humans fit to re-enter the utopian planet? That is a lengthy topic, with many arguments that might cause many heartbreaks and social upheavals. Therefore I shall let it be for now. But achieving this sequence is possible, provided you can imagine it and not restrict it to the reality of genetics we are aware of.

Muslim scriptures, Christian manuscripts, Buddhist texts and many Hindu scriptures and books that define Sikhism talk about it clearly. 

In India they say, during ancient times when there was a lot of prosperity and the land was ruled by the wise and very just king, even lions visited water bodies to drink alongside deers. What was going on? Ever imagined, or we just want to think it is just a story. Every story is based on some facts. There is always some logic behind it. 

Then something happened and the great land of India lost this balance. How and why, it needs to be reflected upon. 

Reviving the utopian state is very much possible. Many scifi books refer to such fictitious stories, but the authors actually offer these stories as foster parents that have the power to nurture our imagination, and then fill it with a sense that is powerful enough to see beyond the reality we know or the one we can feel.

Muslim world was once the hub of education, innovation, scientific probing. They contributed so much to science and literature. But just like India, something happened and they lost all of it. To the extent that today they are a far cry from being these hubs of innovation centres where known reality is not placed as an idol in the temple of human minds, but unknown and infinite reality is placed as an idol in the holy temples of human minds.

That is why, all humans irrespective of what faith they may belong to, worship an unknown force. Because the wise knew, imagination is the only reality and it is the only means to find that ultimate reality. A realm in the universe where all laws of physics hold universally valid based on one theory. A universal theory of everything.

As of now we have no such theory. But if a scientist or a theoretical physicist imagines about such a theory. Does that mean he/she should be ridiculed because nothing of that sport exists today? I do not think so. Because unless we have a single theory that defines and equates in all laws of physics, we may find it challenging to become a species that can terrafarm galaxies. In order to do that, we need this theory, and arriving at this theory is possible too. 

With the use of advanced computers, deriving a theory of everything should not be difficult. But do we have the courage and foresight to see beyond the existing reality of laws of physics known to us. And be the great minds that first discover and then invent this single theory of everything.

Best selling scifi books, help us master this courage and sharpen our foresight. To see what can only be seen with the eyes that know how to look beyond the border of reality. Alas, we are cursed to live in the no-man’s land of reality where a circle with no point of reality is our only reality. Because we still bear the curse of the Utopian Planet from where we were cast out. We carry an active gene that prevents us from becoming a species worthy of becoming residents of the utopian world. But genetic dormancies and genetic deviations are a reality too, and maybe someday, someone will write a scifi book, that will help us realise our utopian dream. Many of us think it is possible by becoming the guardians and controllers of human will and desires. But will that be a utopia or a reality that was incubated by someone’s imagination, who wants his/her ideology to reflect in everyone. That is not utopia, that is a fatal obsession where someone is so obsessed with his/her imagination that he/she wants everyone to imagine the same imagination- A dream for all to dream, one dream for all and always. That will kill the very purpose of genes and genetics. And it will place an indefinite pause on the oscillations of the pendulum. And when that happens, everything will enter into a conflict with that grand imagination that seeks universal justice throughout the universe. 

Thai is one more reason why #scifibooks are different. They offer us endless dreams, endless ways to imagine reality and then seek it as well. And the scifi book, They Loved in 2075, aims at offering the aware and intelligent scifi readers a look into the world that will be a reality in 2075. We may be living now, today in 2024, but that does not mean it is the only reality. 2075, is a reality too, because we are not there yet does not mean it is not a reality. It too is an extension of an infinite string of realities, it depends where we are placed on this strength of realities. 

And in 2075, humans will be facing many challenges, one of the most prominent challenges being their loss of human emotions and feelings.

Really! But how? 

If it is so, how come They Loved in 2075, happens to be a romance scifi? Well, that is the beauty of this scifi story. 

Two lovers trying hard to find moments of romance in a time and in a world when humans cannot emote like humans. So, how do they fall in love and do the self aware machines become their stumbling blocks, because they try to erase their emotional overtones?

To know everything and be fascinated by the stimulating scifi romance story, please read, They Loved in 2075.

May it help you find your right foster parent for your imagination and may it place you at the vantage point of the string of realities, so that you can see beyond 2075. Because great men/women and nations do not plan for 10 years they plan and think 1000 years ahead. And the best selling #scifibooks offer a great highway for this futuristic planning. Europe, the USA follow this trend, it is time India did too, otherwise we will be stranded on the lowest vantage point on the string of realities. Because we will be caught in the cycle of planning just for 10 years. And there cannot be anything more fatal and more lowly for a country that has been so great and grand too!

Like one of my friends used to say, “Rise and shine it is your time!”

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