Best selling science fiction books. How they motivate us!


Best selling science fiction books. How they motivate us!

Best selling #sciencefiction books are mostly about scientific adventures where fiction is the main driver of the plot. But this scientific adventure is of a different kind, one where a completely unheard of scientific idea lays the foundation of interest generating sequences of scientifically fascinating imaginations that the scifi readers find very interesting. And the real talent of scifi authors lies in presenting these scientific imaginations in such a way that they instantly communicate with the minds of the #scifi readers. Not only that, because as soon as this new scientific imagination permeates the thought breeding epicenter of scifi readers’ minds, it should initiate in them a rigour of scientific temperament that they find easily ratifying.  Because the new imagination brings out in them the motivation needed to believe that it is science alone that offers answers to everything in the most satisfying way and they are destined to find some enthralling answers to great mysteries of the universe; and life that exists in the universe. 

If the #scifibook fills the scifi reader’s mind with these motivating thoughts, then the scifibook is going to be a best seller. Because who does not like a little motivation, a brief pat of encouragement; a gesture of reassurance that you too can do it.

And this is where the main struggle of most of the scifi authors lies. How to motivate their scifi readers and become their great source of thought engineering? 

And make the scifi readers believe they too can be great inventors and brave discoverers. Because if we are born, we are born to discover an invention or invent a discovery that lies embedded somewhere within us. All it takes is an inner scientific quest to find it; and nothing adds a better objectivity to this quest than a best selling #scifibook.

Motivation comes in different forms and it can influence each one of us differently. When it is about scifi readers, they are always seeking motivational avenues, and they mostly find it via #scifibooks. And we all know that only a few scifibooks go on to become the best selling scifibooks. This only means one thing: that few scifibooks deeply motivate most of the scifi readers. If it were not so, then best selling #scifibooks would not have existed.

Why is it so that a few scifibooks become the bestsellers? What is so different in them that they motivate most of the scifi readers with a sweeping influence?

Let us try to uncover this secret motivational factor that makes a scifibook the most popular scifibook.

Have you ever watched world leaders delivering speeches or leading processions? If you notice them carefully, the leaders who attract mass support from the population are the ones who are great orators. But then there are many brilliant orators, and all of them do not go on to become great leaders. 

A great orator who is a great leader as well, is the one who does not tell his/her story. He/she tells the stories of the people who he/she wants to uplift from their economic and social distress. Wait! Hold on please, it is not that simple. Because now few of you might be thinking that you learned the main secret to become a leader, and you might want to get busy becoming one yourself. Please bear with me a little longer and let me conclude this blog post, because I have not yet revealed the main secret. If you rush, you might succeed in becoming part leader and part someone else.

Let us assume a person is a great orator. People love listening to him/her. But after a few days they will get bored of him/her and his/her speeches because a leader has to understand the difference between being an entertainer and a leader. Entertainers have a very strong and dominant stage presence. But can we make the leader and entertainer switch roles? I believe in case of a few entertainers we can, but not all. And it is the same in case of leaders too.

And this is where great leaders are different. They are spectacular orators, but to fulfil the main requirement of being a “great Leader and not just a leader” they also possess the quality of being impressive motivators as well. They are able to cast a spell on their audience with only one telepathic objective, “believe me and you shall be happy ever after!”

As far as analysis of world’s leading fortune tellers is concerned, when it comes to impressing their clients they always refer to common topics e.g. relationships, money, children, wife, husband, professional life etc. etc.  And they mostly get most of their assessments correct; well it is their experience that works in their favour. Because generally we all are dealing with an issue or two in our lives that at least has something to do with the topics listed in this paragraph.

So, a great leader is someone who also happens to be a great telepathy expert. And in 2024, with the help of data it is easy to connect with the population and offer them solutions that they are interested in, because they are about issues or matters that matter to them the most. And with great oratorship coupled with right motivational topics, the leader will be an instant sensation among the population.

And the best selling scifi authors are like these great leaders. Who know what the scifi readers like and want to know about. By addressing these likings of the scifi readers and by using “motivational tone” in their scifibooks; they interact with the minds of the scifi readers with such intensity that the scifi readers treat these scifibooks as their sacred precepts meant to help them venture far in their new scientific quests.

What do I mean by motivational tone?

It is not only about the use of mellow words or sweet sounding sentence construction. Motivational tone is more about constructing a purpose based plot that the scifi readers can find meaningful and sufficiently inspiring. If the scifi plot is about a world where plants grow in air, water flows from skies, gravity is zero, and so on. The scifi readers who are not only smart, but are street smart too. Their sharp minds would immediately begin to question this scifi plot, because it is unrealistic.

Let me explain why.

If the gravity is zero, how can water fall from the sky? It should remain suspended in the air and never trickle onto the surface of the planet.

Also, I know of endophytes, but they need a host to live on. Mentioning plants growing in thin air is impossible, unless there are some impurities or some suspended matter in the air that acts as a host for these plants. Simply saying plants grew in air is not acceptable to any scifi reader. And when a scifibook is promoting such a story, it fails to motivate the scifi readers. Who after sometime lose interest in the scifibook and the most obvious happens. It does not become the best selling #scifibook.

But, on the other hand a best selling scifibook is very motivating because its plot, though very exotic, is not deprived of scientific reasoning and facts.

Here is an example.

A scifibook that refers to the world that would exist in 2075, brings the scifi readers’ attention to extreme rise in global temperatures which has led to water scarcity. And as the story progresses it refers to a wonderful solution to generate water via a simple technology that fuses hydrogen and oxygen atoms. It also mentions genetically modified trees bearing leaves thicker in diameter. Due to which they absorb more CO2 and release a very high concentration of oxygen into the atmosphere. And so on.

Now, when a scifi reader interacts with such a concept, he/she feels motivated and he/she wants to know more. Because most of the scifi readers are active environmentalists as well. And when this scientific awareness takes hold of them they all contribute in making the scifibook a raging success. 

Why is it so?

Because in this case the scifi author used the right motivational factors that matter, not just to few of us, but to all humans who want to live and survive on the planet Earth in 2075 and beyond. Then the writing style of the scifi author does the rest. 

Just like the great leader knows what motivates his/her population, he/she also knows something else. How to motivate them after knowing what motivates them. And in best selling scifibooks the great authors know what motivates their #scifi readers, and when it comes to “how to motivate the scifi readers,” they are almost invincible. And that is why their #scifibooks become the best selling scifibooks.

If you want to know how well scifibooks can motive scifi readers and what a great impression it can leave on their minds. Then you must read the scifibook titled: They Loved in 2075.

It is a romance scifi. Now that should not create the impression it is meant to only motivate lovers. Infact it has lot of motivation to offer to all of us. Because in 2075, humans may have lost their ability to emote and feel like humans. Because of their increasing social and commercial interactions with self aware machines.

Now this is a great surprise. Correct!

And that is why I said it shall motivate each one of you because we all are lovers at the end of the day. Lovers of nature, lovers of environment, lovers of technology, lovers of humans; just lovers, you know what I mean, lovers of God and Goddesses as well, and that is why the scifibook, They Loved in 2075 is for lovers. Is for all of you!

Are you in love or have you been in love?

To know and be sure, please read the #scifibook titled: They Loved in 2075. If you are a lover, it will make you a better lover, if you have not been in love ever, it will make you fall in love forever!

All this demands a very insignificant investment. The investment to read the #scifibook They Loved in 2075, with your mind that is never forsaken by the heart.

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