Best selling science fiction books. Eviction notices received by scifibooks


Best selling science fiction books. Eviction notices received by scifibooks

Have you ever seen someone receiving an eviction notice or have you ever received one yourself? Just suddenly and when you are least expecting it!

The feeling is like being asked to vacate the only shelter you have in the middle of a fierce blizzard. Not only that the notice becomes effective the moment you have received it. Meaning you have to vacate the only shelter you have as soon as you receive the notice. 

Not an easy or fair feeling to deal with. And that too in such a short notice, where you are caught in the struggle whether to believe the notice or the howling blizzard outside. Because both facts are real and you have almost no time to decide whether to believe the eviction notice or the brazenly harsh world that its legal potency would usher you into. That too whether you like it or not!

A very uneasy sentiment to deal with. But you have to deal with it anyhow because the eviction notice carries a lot of arbitrary power and you know it. But then you also know that legal matters are like a mesh of thread. Where any end is the right end as long as you have the patience to unscramble it and pull it out bit by bit until the mesh becomes free of knots and twists. And this knowledge becomes your rescue feeling; and the blizzard does not seem to bother you any more. Instead you respond to the eviction notice with defiant words and you challenge it and its legal standing fearlessly. 

All because the blizzard outside forced you to think a little harder and then your legal knowledge did the rest.

You might be thinking how eviction notices and #scifibooks are related. There seemingly appears to be no connection between the two.

But there is!

Science fiction readers also send a sort of eviction notice to scifi authors. Then the scifibook either loses its relevance or it loses its battle to become the best selling scifi book. 

It is a fact. Because becoming the best selling #scifibook is like entering the “Hall of Fame,” and anyone who enters the “Hall of Fame” can anytime receive an eviction notice. It is a Hall with limited space and there are always new aspirants and more deserving personalities who get shortlisted to enter this “Hall of Fame.” And to create space for these new entrants few of the existing residents have to be served eviction notices. Very simple.

And the managers of the Hall of Fame are very wise when it comes to this. They do not issue these notices themselves, they make the #scifi readers serve it to the scifi authors, who then know it is time to vacate the Hall of Fame. However, in this case, the eviction notice enjoys supreme impunity and it cannot be challenged like normal eviction notices. 

So, the #scifi authors better take all the necessary measures beforehand i.e. when they are writing the #scifibook. Only then they can avoid being served this eviction notice and enjoy a longer stay in the Hall of Fame.

What are these measures that scifi authors can take in order to avoid being served this eviction notice?

We already know that it is the scifi readers who have the authority to serve the eviction notice to the scifi authors. And it means we know where we have to focus; on the scifi readers.

If the scifi author focuses on the scifi readers’ tastes, likes, dislikes, preferences, reservations and lot of other details that define the personalities of scifi readers. The scifi author will be able to impress them with his/her scifibook,. And when they are sufficiently impressed, they will be in so much love with the scifibook, that they will never feel the need to serve eviction notice to the scifi author. 

If the #scifi author fails to address the tastes of his/her scifi readers, they will no longer feel impressed by the plot of the scifibook. Which will become the direct cause of decline in sales and its immediate effect will be the loss of popularity for the scifibook. Thereby prompting the scifi readers to issue eviction notices to the scifi author who is residing in the Hall of Fame.

Now do you see how it is connected!

But how can the scifi author know the tastes, reservations, choices etc. of all scifi readers, and then define the flow of the #scifibook in accordance with these tastes, preferences and likings of #scifi readers?

Let us understand it with the help of a simple and daily life example.

We all like drinking some hot beverages e.g. Hot chocolate with whipped cream, Tea, Coffee etc. etc. It is very rare that there might be someone who does not like a hot beverage. We all like at least one, if not all hot beverages. 

So, for the world population one can generalise this liking under the category: Hot Beverages. 

As long as you address the category of hot beverages in its general and broad context, there shall be no need whatsoever to know the taste and preference of every person who comprises the world population. That can only be exacted by means of a census dedicated to Hot Beverages. And when it comes to #scifibooks, the scifi authors can generalise the tastes and preferences of their target scifi readers by addressing the main categories of these tastes and preferences. Similar to the category of hot beverages.

And for this they will have to study the trends related to the scifi readers likings, preferences, choices etc. etc. Knowing this trend may not be that difficult.

 If you invest some time to know the list of best selling scifibooks in the current year. From this list you will easily get to know what your scifi readers like, prefer or dislike. In computer science we call it relational database management. If you can deal with it, you have deciphered the personalities of your scifi readers. At least the part of their personalities which influences them to either like a #scifibook or reject it. And for the scifi author this information will be more than enough to derive the formula that would help him/her to write the scifibook that will most likely grant him/her the citizenship in the Hall of Fame.

But if you want to go a step further and want to make your analysis more detailed and accurate. Then always refer to the list of “All Time Best Selling #scifibooks” as well. Then based on these insights add further micro level detailing to the list of best selling scifi books in the current year. 

And there you go! You have the recipe to address the tastes, preferences and likings of your scifi readers in your well researched and extremely well conceived #scifibook.

Seems easy. Just like my childhood imagination. During the nights when everyone would be fast asleep, I would look at the moon from the window of my room, and think of ways to get to it somehow. Because it looked so bright, so huge; and so reachable. No, the right word would be accessible!

But as I grew up and in school I learned the meaning of light years, my fantasy was shattered. This realisation made me smile and taunt my own self in whispers. 

And a #scifi author can place himself/herself in a paradox-like situation that is similar to my childhood fantasy. I call it, “Paradox of child’s interpretation of the Moon and its accessibility!” 

Are you thinking how?

All because what appears to be so simple, in actuality can be a very complex database to work on. Because as you compile the list of best selling #scifi books, and you manage to read their elaborate summaries to gauge the tastes of your scifi readers with an unmistaken accuracy. If you miss one fundamental detail, that is illusive in nature, especially to the #scifi author, reading a scifibook written by a best selling scifi author. You will never be able to achieve the right output from this database.

And this illusive detail has everything to do with the scifi author’s writing style. His/her unique way to express things, facts, feelings, relationships, episodes, plots, wars, love, tragedy; ah it is an endless trail let us not even venture there.

If you are unable to generalise the writing style your target scifi readers enjoy reading the most, your database extracted knowledge about their tastes will be rendered ineffective. 

Therefore, knowing their tastes, preferences etc. without knowing the trending writing styles that the #scifi readers in the current year find most appealing. You will be authoring a scifibook that somehow may manage to enter the Hall of Fame. But finally its stay in the Hall of Fame will be shortened because it will start receiving eviction notices from the scifi readers who find the writing style less appetising.

Now via this blog post I may have evinced what scifi readers prefer, but in the end it will always depend on the scifi author to ensure that they do not write a scifibook with a piecemeal like approach. If that happens the #scifibook will never make it to the Hall of Fame. Because it will have rendered its contextual meaningfulness conduit to most of the readers, as it would not satisfy their needs as scifi readers.

Such #scifibooks often happen to be retrogressive in their appeal, because the construction of their overall story is largely resting on an already traumatised logical intensity that fails to fall in line with the tastes and preferences of the scifi readers. And it is in these moments the #scifibook finds itself completely ransacked in the Hall of Fame.

However, there is one #scifibook that maps the tastes of the global population of readers, not only scifi readers. That is why its style is very unique and different from most of the scifi readers; because its audience is larger. Since the reality it deals with encompasses not just a few of us, it involves the entire humanity that would exist in 2075.

Moreover, being a romance scifibook and at the same time being the #scifibook that deals with lot of romance, technology, warfare, self aware machines, love, deceit, interstellar travels, quantum thinking and not quantum computing, neural links, neural link initiated wars, emotional deprivation of humans, and many other fascinating facts. This scifi book caters to every taste, every preference, and most important of all, it addresses the need and the real situation humans will be facing in 2075.

To know everything about the world that would exist in 2075, you must read: They Loved in 2075. It may not be a part of the Hall of Fame, but the author will be happy if it just manages to reside in the Hall of your hearts and memories. And it prompts some of you, although the author would prefer it prompts all of you, to act now, and safeguard the future of humanity in 2075.

I present to you, with love and a lot of forethought, the #scifi book titled: They Loved in 2075.

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